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We We Calculator – measure your copy for customer focus | Churnalism | Search. Is Your Writing Nailing These 3 Stages? Good things seem to come in sets of three: dramatic structure, Star Wars (before 1999), and your B2B sales cycle content strategy. Okay, so those first two are clear, but let’s talk about my third set of three.

Managing a writing service for marketing and SEO agencies, I’ve gotten a lot of practice in breaking down strategies and concepts into bite-sized pieces. Hang with me as we go through the three elements that your content strategy needs in order to turn window-shoppers into buyers. #1: Thought Leadership Stage The first type of content that your B2B company has to establish is thought leadership. “Thought leadership” is not just a buzz phrase thrown around by inbound-marketing-loving gurus. What is it? I like how Michael Brenner at B2B Marketing Insider puts it: “Thought Leadership allows us to define the category of our solution.” To start on the road to becoming a Thought Leader, you don’t have to have all the answers all the time.

. #2: Real World Problem Solving Stage The Magic. How to Eliminate “Wallet Closing Words” From Your Writing and Speech. There are words that REPEL your customers… Words that stop them—dead in their tracks—from buying whatever it is you’re selling. Words that are so prevalent that you’ll be SHOCKED to hear that they’re HORRIBLE when it comes to communicating with your prospects and customers.

But today, on Social Triggers Insider, you’ll see what those words are, and MORE. So grab a pen and paper and listen to the latest episode of Social Triggers Insider. The Psychology of Language (with Michael Fishman) In the below discussion, Michael Fishman and I talk about: How Your Words Shape The Perception Of Your Products and ServicesHow to Eliminate Wallet Closing Words from Your WritingWhy 100% Comprehension Is Vital For Businesses CommunicationThe 4Cs of Crafting Language That WOWS Your Customers That said, press play!

Did you know Social Triggers Insider is now on iTunes? Why? Want to know what my key takeaway was? Writing tip: “Don’t think OF the market. The transcript is currently unavailable. Now It’s Up to You… Content Planning: Targeting Your Audience. Expand Your Horizons with Audience Targeting Mission, vision, values, SWOT analysis – all of these great strategic planning techniques help lead up to this point: your audience. Knowing your audience and tapping into new audiences can help you truly begin a long-term content plan that will magnify your effort’s success tenfold. First, consider your current audience. What are their demographics, hobbies, professions, needs, wants, knowledge, perceptions, and common goals?

Next, who is your untapped audience or who would be inclined to follow your brand if the conditions were just right? How can they find you or what are their points of entry? Also, it’s important to be realistic and relevant. Your target should have characteristics in common with your existing audience.Your target should meet the goals of your organization.Your target can be reached using resources you currently have. You can easily package each audience group by creating a persona. Creating a Positioning Statement. Grammar | Check English Grammar Online for Free. Type your own text below and click here to check the grammar Benefits of Using an Online Grammar Check Program Besides using a spell check and thesaurus program, having access to a grammar check program is essential when you want to ensure that your writing is of the highest quality. An online grammar check tool provides enhanced editing by reviewing and correcting both spelling and English grammar.

Simply enter the text that you want to review in the text box and get instant feedback and corrections. You can type as you go, or you can copy and paste previously written text into the box. A grammar checker can help you proofread any type of writing, from a casual email message to portions of a formal research paper. Even the most talented and experienced writers cannot always remember all the rules of English grammar. A grammar check program is useful for people of all different occupations, not just professional writers. Alphabet Filter. Citebite - Link directly to specific quotes in web pages. Viral PDF eBooks - turn your PDF documents into a viral sales force. S.P.E.E.D. Writing: 5 Tips to Double Your Writing Productivity. Topicmarks - summarize your text documents in minutes.

Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds. Content Writing Services | SEO Copywriting | CopyPress. Are you having problems driving traffic to your blog? Are you finding that no one is retweeting your content or sharing it on Facebook? When starting a blog the challenge for any blogger is providing content that will entice and delight your readers. You want them looking forward to your next article. Developing an antenna for creative ideas for content is a skill that can be developed. What I have found effective is to take notes when reading a book or after a meeting when customers provide insights into their business dilemmas. To capture these I sometimes enter it straight into my Apple iPhone with the “notes” feature or use Evernotes mobile app that saves the idea in the “cloud” for future reference.

Everyone has Problems One thing to keep in mind is that every business or reader has day to day challenges and problems that they want help solving. Ideally you want your blog to become the industry resource or Bible that becomes the “Go To Portal” for your subscribers. Social Proof is Vital. The Gary Halbert Letter.