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StartupStay Offers Entrepreneurs Accommodation and Networking. Keeping costs down for jet setting entrepreneurs may have become a little easier with the recent launch of StartupStay. Getting a startup off the ground is expensive. Added to the predictable costs is the need to meet with other businesses and possible investors anywhere in the world. In an effort to organise like-minds and work out ways for entrepreneurs to stay in free accommodation, Startup Stay provides a kind of Airbnb for businesses. Similar to Russia’s Apartator [RU], StartupStay means that entrepreneurs can act as hosts as well as finding a place to stay while travelling. Cutting out the cost of a hotel or bed and breakfast can mean that people can stay a little longer to make the connections they need to keep a business ticking over. The system is currently invite only and based on trust.

Though the first benefit may be a place to get your head down at night, the connections between entrepreneurs can also be priceless. Trust is also outlined with user reviews. . ➤ StartupStay. Why Facebook is Killing Silicon Valley. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win… John F. Kennedy, September 1962 InnovationI teach entrepreneurship for ~50 student teams a year from engineering schools at Stanford, Berkeley, and Columbia.

For the National Science Foundation Innovation Corps this year I’ll also teach ~150 teams led by professors who want to commercialize their inventions. The irony is that as good as some of these nascent startups are in material science, sensors, robotics, medical devices, life sciences, etc., more and more frequently VCs whose firms would have looked at these deals or invested in these sectors, are now only interested in whether it runs on a smart phone or tablet. Listen to the post here: Comprendre le fonctionnement des startups pour améliorer leur réussite. Par Hubert Guillaud le 19/04/12 | 6 commentaires | 2,735 lectures | Impression Voilà un an qu’a été lancé un projet de R&D collaboratif original Startup Compass, se désignant comme “le génome des startups”, rapporte Rip Empson pour TechCrunch. Ce projet, créé par Bjoern Herrmann (@bjoernlasse, Max Marmer (@maxmarmer) et Ertan Dogrultan (@ertand, ce dernier a depuis lancé Blackbox, qui se veut à la fois un programme éducatif pour entrepreneurs et un accélérateur de startups) a pour ambition de comprendre ce qui fait la réussite des startups.

L’idée est de proposer une analyse comparative des startups, comme l’expliquent les auteurs du site, en permettant aux entrepreneurs de renseigner eux-mêmes l’évolution de leur entreprise afin d’avoir accès à des données comparatives. “Notre mission est d’augmenter le taux de réussite des startups et d’accélérer le rythme de l’innovation au niveau mondial. Image : la cartographie de l’innovation mondiale par le Startup Genome Project. Startups, This Is How Design Works – by Wells Riley.


France. 4 Questions to Ask Startups Before Pitching. Communication. Berlin. Le Camping: Not Just Another Accelerator. 12 December '11, 05:21pm Follow It seems that you can’t blink without another startup accelerator launching in Europe these days. While most of them follow the same model of taking a small amount of equity in return for a small injection of cash and an intensive coaching program, France’s Le Camping is a little different. Created by a non-profit organization, the Paris-based scheme doesn’t take shares in the startups it mentors. As such, it could be perhaps thought of as a ‘school for startups’. Another difference, at least in the French scene, is that all startups must speak English, helping prepare them for the international market. Le Camping is now in its second run of startups, and it brought the teams to LeWeb, adding an eye-catching jungle theme to its room.
