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Netbeans IDE. NetBeans IDE lets you quickly and easily develop Java desktop, mobile, and web applications, as well as HTML5 applications with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The IDE also provides a great set of tools for PHP and C/C++ developers. It is free and open source and has a large community of users and developers around the world. Best Support for Latest Java Technologies NetBeans IDE provides first-class comprehensive support for the newest Java technologies and latest Java specification enhancements before other IDEs. It is the first free IDE providing support for JDK 8, JDK 7, Java EE 7 including its related HTML5 enhancements, and JavaFX 2.

With its constantly improving Java Editor, many rich features and an extensive range of tools, templates and samples, NetBeans IDE sets the standard for developing with cutting edge technologies out of the box. Fast & Smart Code Editing An IDE is much more than a text editor. More information Easy & Efficient Project Management Rapid User Interface Development. Add Javadoc.

You are wondering why Netbeans give you code completion but no javadoc, rather saying “javadoc not found” ? It is not part of the Netbeans Installer or the regular JDK package. You need to download it separately (link), copy the zip file to a folder of your choice and configure the javadoc in Java platforms. Netbeans Java Platform Like this: Like Loading...

Sonar. Maven. Gradle - Build Automation Evolved. Gradle. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Gradle allie les atouts de Apache Maven et Apache Ant : il allie l'utilisation de conventions à la manière de Maven (convention plutôt que configuration) avec la flexibilité de Ant pour décrire les tâches de constructions, avec une cohérence forte dans l'interface de programmation des tâches. Présentation[modifier | modifier le code] Gradle permet d'écrire des tâches de constructions dans un fichier de construction en utilisant le langage Groovy. Il est possible d'importer des tâches standards qui permettent de construire des programmes utilisant un ou plusieurs langages (Java, Groovy…) ou qui permettent d’exécuter des activités d’ingénierie logicielle telles qu'exécuter les tests unitaires, assurer la qualité du code (SonarQube, Checkstyle)… Gradle reprend certaines des idées fortes de Maven : convention plutôt que configurationcycle de viegestion des dépendances à la manière d'Apache Ivy ou Mavenréférentiel (ou entrepôts)

Maven secrets: filtering sources - Connect. The default Maven root project object model provides very good defaults that declare what needs to be done in most cases. Sometimes you need a bit more or different and Maven lets you do that. In this first episode I’ll show you how to filter your source files. Why filter source files? Well there are many use cases you can think of. Any build time property that you want to have available runtime can be stored in a class member variable in your code. Public static final String DOMAIN = "${pom.groupId}"; public static final String WCB_ID = "${pom.artifactId}"; Note: We could discuss if this is a good approach compared to using resource files (that are filtered by default) and can be loaded from the classpath at runtime, but that is beyond the scope of this post ;) Filtering in Maven Filtering is a standard feature in Maven and any typical project uses it extensively.

Note: Always make sure binary resources are NOT being filtered. Configuring the resources plugin <project... > ... Conclusion. Maven Repository Nexus. Subversion. Git.