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Flex 3 - Adobe Flex 3 Help. HTTPService - Adobe Flex 2. Passing parameters to an HTTPService -- Flex Examples. The followig example shows how you can pass parameters to an HTTPService by passing an Object in the HTTPService’s send() method. The remote ColdFusion script is a simple “hello world” type script which accepts a single parameter, “name”, and returns a single parameter, “welcomeMessage”. Full code after the jump. View MXML View source is enabled in the following example. By popular request, here is the ColdFusion source code as well. <cfsilent><cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="Yes"><cfif IsDefined("")><cfset Form.Name = /></cfif><cfif NOT IsDefined("") OR Len(Trim(Form.Name)) EQ 0><cfset Form.Name = "[Mysterious Stranger]" /></cfif></cfsilent><cfcontent reset="true" /><cfoutput>welcomeMessage=#UrlEncodedFormat("Welcome, "&</cfoutput><cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="No">

Flex: Double click event with flex. Observing double click events on an UIComponent is quite easy.You just need to set doubleClickEnabled value to true and add an event listener of type MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK.It works fine, except if you are listening MouseEvent.CLICK too. When the user double clicks on an UIComponent, two events are sent, simple click and double click.Sometimes, you don't make the same job on a click and a double click. In the next part, we explain how to avoid the sending of two events. To allow code reusability, we will create an actionscript class.This class will forward MouseEvent.CLICK and MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK events sent by an UIComponent.MouseEvent.CLICK event will not be sent if MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK occurs.This class will be named SFDoubleClickManager, to test it, we will create a flex project named DoubleClick. Where modifieddoubleclicktester is the component we want to observe.Events will be received by handlers as if they were sent by modifieddoubleclicktester.

Flex solutions: essential techniques ... Flex Formatter - Project Web Hosting - Open Sou. Facebook and MySpace security: backdoor wide open. Facebook and MySpace fixed this quickly after being notified. As a application developer on Facebook, I usually run into certain walls that limit my application functionality. But I don't give up easily, and only recently I found a solution to one of my function limitations.

Surprisingly, when looked into more carefully my solution allowed full access and control to the Facebook user account that accessed my application. Did I mention this would also be untraceable since exploit actions would happen from the users IP and own domain cookie? Lets walk through it along some clarifying images. In certain cases this could limit a flash application capabilities. While indeed Facebook locked the front door from any non-facebook domain access via Flash, a simple subdomain change allowed any flash application (domain="*") to access it's domain data:. A huge problem that leads to full access and control of a user account whom has "auto login" enabled, and who hasn't?

Iain Lobb: Open-source ActionScript libraries for creating Flash. For some reason the incredible power of Open Source is on my mind today. In light of that, here are some open source(ish*) ActionScript libraries I've come across that can help you make games. I haven't tried them all, but maybe you will? *check the licenses before using. To get code from google code you may have to use a subversion client. Glaze - super-fast, easy to use rigid body physics engine based on Chipmunk. What have I missed? Tubeloc - Project Hosting on Google Code. The new YouTube AS3 API is now out. This library was designed as an interim solution for the AS2 API. Use the new AS3 API, more details here: TubeLoc is an ActionScript 3 library that serves as an adapter to the YouTube ActionScript 2 Player API. Easily add YouTube video functionality to your ActionScript 3 or Flex app with either the full-chrome or the chromeless YouTube players.

To get started Read the article! Firefox extensions - Flash Tracer (2.3.1) (Updated Mon July 7 2008) Flash tracer is a firefox extension which enables you to see all the output generated by any running flash swf movies ( the output generated by the flash method ). You a flash player debug installed in your Firefox in order to run this extesion correctly. For a list of available flash players please visit this page: This extension support some basic features like: live filters which enable you to filter all the output using basic patterns. Custom styles: you can filter the output using a regular expression pattern and then apply custom css formatting to the matched string Once installed you can open the flash tracer both as sidebar and as floating window from the Firefox Tools main menu.

In order to work you need to specify the correct path of the "flashlog.txt" file, generated by the debug flashplayer itself. ChangeLog 2.3.1 Fixed charset encoding Added maximum number of lines shown in the console Comments. Adobe to unify ColdFusion, Flex, Flash with Flash Builder 4. Adobe announced Monday that it has updated and changed the name of its Flex Builder IDE. Now called Flash Builder 4, it incorporates support for the now open source Flex 4 framework, as well as integrating an IDE for ColdFusion development. "We changed the name because the new Builder product encompasses more than just the Flex framework," group product manager for the Flash Platform Dave Gruber told Infoworld.

Flash Builder 4 includes support for Adobe's still beta Flash Catalyst rapid UI design tool, which, along with Flex 4, will enable designers to work on the front-end independently of back-end development. It also allows connecting to a number of back-end environments, including PHP, Java, Adobe's LiveCycle, as well as the aforementioned ColdFusion. Support for accessing REST and SOAP-based Web services—a must in today's cloud-based environments—is also included. The new Eclipse-based ColdFusion Builder IDE is something that Adobe says developers have been asking for for some time. Hyphenation in ActionScript. There are a lot of nice text features in the new flash text layout framework but obviosly there is still one important feature missing: Hyphenation. Until today, there is no native hyphenation support in the flashplayer.

I decided to fill this gap by porting the Hyphenator.js library by Mathias Nater to ActionScript. In this post I’ll demonstrate text hyphenation in flash. Demonstration Here you see the hyphenation in action. Usage The usage is pretty simple. // creating a new textfield firstvar tf:TextField = new TextField(); tf.multiline = true; tf.width = 400; tf.text = 'long text that goes over multiple lines'; addChild(tf); // let's hyphenate Hyphenator.hyphenateTextField('en', tf); Download & License You can download as3-hyphenation from the corresponding bitbucket repository page or via the direct zip link .

Update (May 20, 2010): the hereby presented algorithm does only work for textfields without stylesheets.