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Olympus E-P1 Review: 1. Introduction. Review based on a Production E-P1 (Firmware V1.0) From the OM system 35mm SLRs and lenses to the XA series rangefinders and the half-frame Pen models, Olympus has for at least half a century been notable for producing cameras that are smaller than their competitors without sacrificing quality or functionality.

Olympus E-P1 Review: 1. Introduction

And they haven't stopped; the E-450 and its predecessors are still the world's smallest digital SLRs, and the new E-620 is considerably smaller than similarly specified competitors (finally realizing the 'smaller format, smaller camera' promise we were all sold on when Four Thirds originally launched).

The apex of this miniaturization was surely the Pen F and its variants - the interchangeable lens versions of the hugely popular Pen series (over 17 million of the various models were sold between 1959 and the mid 80's when half-frame finally died out).

New cameras fall 2009

New cameras early 2010. Panasonic GF-1. Zorki 4. Leica. Sony SLT cameras. Nikon D7000. Fuji X100. Alpha 850.