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Speaking and Listening

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Diction Exercises - Tongue Twisters to Learn How to Speak Clearly. - articulation drills to make sure they get your message Why should you do diction exercises? Because your speech content may be great, you may look fantastic but unless your audience can UNDERSTAND what you're saying, your message is lost. 697Save Diction exercises will help you learn how to speak clearly. These drills are the speaker's warm-up equivalent. The benefits of diction/articulation exercises or drills are: strengthening and stretching the muscles involved in speech bringing to your attention habitual speech patterns which may be less than perfect. Good diction is NOT about changing your accent or making you 'talk posh'.

The most commonly known and used diction exercises are Tongue Twisters. There are literally squillions of them, each focusing on either a single letter, or a letter combination. Tongue twisters have long been an integral part of a public speaker's tool kit. Diction Exercises: Tips & Tongue Twisters Diction Exercises for 'B' words: Bill had a billboard. For 'Q' words: 60 Second Word Challenge. Digital storytelling with StoryRobe. StoryRobe is another way for kids to create digital stories using photos or digital copies of their own artwork. Once they've selected the images they want to use and put them in the right order, they can record the text to go with the images. They can talk for a total of up to 3 minutes, and synchronize the images with what they are saying by tapping the screen as they talk to advance to the next picture. StoryRobe creates a single video file that can then be shared.

Unlike StoryKit, there is no option to add text to the finished product, as the model is more video-like than book-like. There are ways to add it it to the pictures however. Students could handwrite text on their original artwork before it is digitized, or use an app like Comic Touch ($2.99) or Comic Touch Lite (free, reduced feature set & watermark on output) to add captions or speech bubbles to the images and then save them to their photo album before adding them to the StoryRobe project. EDpuzzle.

Brainstorming and Voting Amazingly Easy. Free Online Tool | tricider. PictureTeller from E2BN. SpeechMaker.