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One Big Photo - a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words | Submit Your Photo | World's Best Photography. Fotógrafo o toma fotos ¿? | Guni Matamoros | El Fotógrafo. Ciertamente todas y todos nacemos en el mundo de la fotografía como '' toma fotos ''. Este termino lo obtuve de uno de los vídeos del colega y maestro Israel Torres de Mexico.

A decir verdad nadie nace siendo fotógrafo profesional, con mucho conocimiento (que es algo distinto), éticamente correcto, lleno de equipo es decir muchos lentes, cámaras, flashes y demás. El problema no radica en haber sido alguna vez un toma fotos. Lo que si es un problema es no saber que fuiste un toma fotos porque entonces aun sigues siéndolo, este post va dirigido especialmente para quienes tenemos la fotografía ademas de una pasión como nuestro ingreso para vivir, nuestro sustento y nos consideramos '' profesionales '' por vivir de ello. Si tu cumples con los siguientes requisitos seguramente eres un '' toma fotos '' a) Piensas en foto solo cuando tienes la cámara a la mano. b) Aceptas ser invitado a eventos sabiendo que quieren tus fotos y no las cobras. f) Consideras que no se puede vivir de la foto. a.

Landscape Photographer Portfolios for Inspiration - Part2. Landscape Photography is the most challenging and difficult genre of photography in my opinion. To see the first light, the mountains wrapped with mists, endless coasts, numerous valleys and nameless regions, to capture the true essence of a landscape thereby to show the unseen abode, a surreal light or a tranquil flavor, it is going to take a lot of patience, skill and of course money. To travel endlessly to continents, is no weekend business here, a salute for all those passionate, silent and humble landscape photographers.

This list is again a massive tribute to some 25 talented photographer who caught our eyes. Please check the Part 1 here As always if you feel if you are someone very skilful needs to be featured in Part 3 kindly tell us in the comments section or mail us to Aaron Groen Alex Noriega Angus Clyne Mood and enchanting atmosphere are two most important words for Angus Clyne. Atomic Zen Just like how his name sounds, his pictures are truly close to zen. Photoshop CS6 image stacking — LINCOLN HARRISON.

There are a number of different ways to stack images in Photoshop CS6, I've found this method to be the fastest and it uses the least amount of PC resources. The number of images you select at a time will be determined by the amount of available ram you have in your PC. I have 32gb and I work with about 80-100 images at a time (D800E 36mp 14bit RAW working in 16bit mode), the idea is to keep CS6 from using the scratch disk, which happens when all available RAM has been used. If your system is low on RAM there area few things you can do to reduce the memory used by photoshop, you can read about optimising photoshop performance on the Adobe website. The easiest way to monitor CS6 scratch disk usage is with the efficiency indicator at the bottom left of the screen.

Click on the arrow and select 'efficiency' from the menu. If this number drops below 100% that means CS6 has used all available RAM and is now using a hard disk as virtual RAM. Every Window has its Own Story - 50 Fascinating Color Photographs you will cherish forever. Faces leaping over the windows, constantly in search of a world unknown, numerous questions arising out of curiosity about the way life moves on and this world revolves about. This curiosity is well supplemented with some drama of fairy tale stories, adding some incredible essence to the joy of livelihood. You cannot segregate this moments to any age groups, everybody has their own stories to dream about and to share within themselves.

Eyes thoroughly fixed onto some distant horizons unknown but emotions flattering all around your mind cage wide open. This thunderous feeling must have gone through every individual who knows us imagine and this post is dedicated to such creative souls. All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please feel free to explore further works of these photographers on their collections or their personal sites. Photo Credit: C.K. Photo Credit: Stefano Scarselli Photo Credit: Ben Thé Man Photo Credit: Siddharthan Raman. Dramatic Art Photography by Sukron Mamun which will leave you speechless. Some eternal bliss in the name of photography or photo art however you may call it. Meet Sukron from Indonesia who does wonders with his incredible style of photography. There is a wonderful fusion between photography and art with his works which makes us go in awe, the perfection he derives from his creations are stellar in every aspect of photography.

As he himself calls it as photo-art but Ipoenk does apply the conventional rules of photography. We do know that art doesnt have rules and if it does have a few, photography is no distant either. Let us get to hear more from the photographer himself. Can you please introduce yourself? My real name is Sukron Ma’mun a.k.a Ipoenk Graphic. Can you please explain the flow behind your photo art? Photo Art for me is a form of unusual genre of photography. Your Inspiration? Many great photographers in the world and ofcourse from Indonesia too, hve inspired me a lot. Any Tips for our readers? Click on the image for better and enlarged view. F.TAPE Fashion Directory | News & Media. In The Model Wall In just six months Andreas Lindquist has shot the cover of 10 Men, walked exclusively for Burberry and took part in his debut show season!

In Model News Florian van Bael keeps cool in the summer sun modelling all-white ensembles for the new issue of Fantastic Man. in Magazines & Editorial Witches, seductive temptresses and youth ready to rebel. Adrian Cardoso and friends join forces to show camaraderie against a backdrop of rebellion for the latest issue of Fucking Young. in Motion Watch British model Anders Hayward let the music take control of his body in this uplifting film for Palmer//Harding.

Dutch model Ton Heukels models Louis Vuitton menswear in a beautiful spread for the SS14 issue of Metal Magazine. Naomi Campbell takes to the May issue of Vogue Australia to show the Aussies she’s still sitting pretty at the top! In Shopping Put your best foot forward this summer and embrace the socks and sandals trend courtesy of Opening Ceremony and Teva! In campaigns in Events EY! New Faces. Beautiful. Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design - Daily Art And Design Blog. Illusion › The Online Magazine for Art, Tattoo, Design, and Film. Fashion Photography Blog - A Resource for Fashion Photographers, Created by One. MIKEL MARTON PHOTOGRAPHY. 40 Powerful Portraits you will probably never forget. Photography Ideas Professional Website Creative Famous Photographers Commercial ONE EYELAND. Art of the Male Face and Form: Archive. Marius Budu - Fine art nude photography by Marius Budu. We Are Nature Vol. III | Christoffer Relander.

A follow up to my recent multiple exposure series, such as We Are Nature Vol. I and Vol. II. As in my previous work I’ve double and triple exposed (combined) man and nature in-camera, this time by using a Nikon D800E. Afterwards I’ve imported my RAW-files (yes, you can shoot multiple exposures in RAW-format) to Lightroom to adjust contrast, tones, colors and in some cases adding a small amount of dodging and burning. © Christoffer Relander 2013. Prints are available on request. Pukipsy Pedachini. FASHIONABLY MALE | FASHIONABLY + MALE + PHOTOGRAPHY + ART + NUDE.

VGL | The Male Model Daily. Fotógrafo de 14 años hace autorretratos surrealista. Zev de Natick es un joven de 14 años. Y a pesar de su corta edad , comenzó con la ayuda de su hermana Nellie de 17 años, hermosos montajes de fotos producidas por ellos, lo que requiere una producción compleja y creativa que una vez finalizado, parecen reflejar una transición de los cuentos de hadas de las cosas más complejas que aún desconocemos.

Es difícil no dejarse seducir por la obra de este prodigio de la fotografía. Aquí te dejamos los pasos de como realizó una de sus fotografías llamada “Fly” y algunas de sus fotografías. Paso 01: Comenzó colocando dos soportes en un campo, los aviones están pegados en cadena, y luego pegadas en un pedazo de cartón pluma situada entre dos soportes como se ve en la imagen a continuación. Para esta tomas usó múltiples secuencias por cada avión, ya que era un día en campo abierto.El tablero de cartón pluma no sólo tiene todos los aviones colgados de el, sino que también actúa como un reflector / difusor, creando una luz suave agradable en los temas. Exterface Studio. Ian Ruhter Photography. Image Amplified: The Flash and Glam of All Things Pop Culture. From the Runway to the Red Carpet, High Fashion to Music, Movie Stars to Supermodels. Tutorials. Cargo - Gallery. OHLALA Mag. 'World's Best Father' Captures Creative Portraits of His Daughter's Childhood | Fstoppers. Dave Engledow is not just a great photographer, but he's a pretty awesome Dad, as well. After the birth of his daughter Alice Bee he wanted to document her childhood in the most creative way he could. Not a professional photographer (Dave works in progressive politics and worker's rights), but the photos are well shot and thought out.

If you're wanting a little parental inspiration and a few laughs click below. Happy Father's Day! What I love about the series is not just the cute posing or the adorable Miss Alice Bee, but the thought behind the photographs by her father. "The character I portray in this series is intended to be a parody of the father I hope I never become distracted, self-absorbed, neglectful, clueless, or even occasionally overbearing. L'INSOLENT | THE DIGITAL FASHION MAGAZINE. Films of Fashion. PetaPixel - Photography and Camera News, Reviews, and Inspiration. Homotography.