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How To Use The Brain More Effectively. Untitled. If you have a strong preference for Kinesthetic learning you should use some or all of the following: all your senses - sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing ... laboratories field trips field tours examples of principles teachers, coaches and trainers who give real-life examples applications hands-on approaches (like in computing) trial and error collections of things - rock types, plants, shells, grasses, case studies... exhibits, samples, photographs... recipes - solutions to problems, previous exam or test papers. SWOT - Study without tears Reduce your notes into a package that you can learn by reducing them (every three pages down to one page). Your notes to help your learning may be poor because the topics were not 'concrete' or 'relevant'.

You will remember the "real" things that happened. Put plenty of examples into your summary. Use case studies and applications to help with principles and abstract concepts. Talk about your notes with another "Kinesthetic" person. VARK -- A Guide to Learning Styles.

Metacognition: Learning about Learning. Metacognition: Learning about Learning.