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Free Guide to Self Hypnosis - Oxford Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis. Methods of self-hypnosis range from listening to relaxation tapes to simply clearing your mind of thoughts and worries.

Free Guide to Self Hypnosis - Oxford Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis

Here is a step-by-step free guide to self-hypnosis, using one approach you may find helpful. Many hypnotherapists encourage their clients to learn self-hypnosis. You can learn self hypnosis free with this free audio hypnosis course. There is more value in this than courses I have seen charging over $50. Please note that self-hypnosis should never be practiced when driving, operating machinery or carrying out any other activity that requires your full attention. Hypnosis Online Free Hypnosis Scripts and Hypnosis Resources. Free hypnosis - hypnotherapy scripts. If you’ve done your research you've found that if you are able to find royalty free scripts that they are extremely expensive as the author is virtually giving away his rights and assigning them to you.

Free hypnosis - hypnotherapy scripts

Since we want to help as many of our patrons as possible we are only charging $10 each and even including 2 additional scripts, an Induction, Deepener and an Awakening as a Bonus for no extra charge, and they are “all” Royalty Free. The Scripts included in this manual consist of many of our mot popular and effective published scripts over the years. Now you can produce CDs with them to sell from your location, online or even to hand out to your clients. This manual includes 1 Hypnosis Induction, 1 Deepener, 1 Awakening, 10 Scripts and 2 Bonus Scripts.