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Crunch Free Ways to Transform Your Abs - Healthy Living on Shine. Adopt these Pilates-inspired tricks to strengthen your entire core and improve your posture. By Lara Rosenbaum If hitting the beach conjures painful thoughts of skimpy suits, Brazilian wax jobs and itchy sun burn, here's one way to make the body-baring preparation a whole lot easier. By incorporating Pilates-inspired moves into your fitness routine, you can strengthen and shape your entire core all without doing a single crunch on the floor. What's more, you'll straighten your posture and improve your balance-so you can not only look hot in your bikini, but you'll torch the competition in beach volleyball, too. Prop into Plank:You've heard of this move, but this core-building exercise has become a classic for a reason. Or try Lizbeth Garcia's No Limits Plank Series, for side planks. "When you perform variations and especially side planks, you have to balance and work harder," Garcia says.

Perform Stand Up's vs. Try the standing cross crunch-as performed in Core Class, with Jessica Smith. Aloe Vera Juice, Drink, Gel, Lotion and Skin Care Products. Http--www.mensfitness.