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Institute of Play. Pinterest / Home. How One Teacher Built a Computer Lab for Free. Robert Litt/CC BY-NC 3.0In a sunny Bay Area classroom, twenty sixth graders are working at computers. They are making websites—"MySpace" pages for figures from American History. One student is researching Frederick Douglass's five greatest accomplishments. Another is showing a classmate how to search for pictures of Susan B.

Anthony. They're all learning how to use Google Sites, helping each other along the way. Earlier this week, this class learned how to add numbers in a spreadsheet. Last week, they learned how to make music on a simple synthesizer. The problem? Robert teaches at ASCEND, a small arts K-8 school in the Alameda County School District. Most of the computers' problems could be fixed by wiping the disks and reinstalling the operating system—but buying new software for every donated computer would be prohibitively expensive.

With the help of his local LUG, he got Linux up and running on his 18 donated machines. Robert Litt/CC BY 3.0. Prezi - The Zooming Presentation Editor. Biosphere: Populations. A population is a group of organisms that are all the same species. That's it. You're done. A group of ducks would not be a population if there were mallard and wood ducks combined. Scientists would say that there are two populations existing in the same area. Population biologists study groups in a specific area. You need to remember that populations don't just sit there. There are physical limits. Next are the competition limits. Last are the geographic limits. Or search the sites for a specific topic. Zunal WebQuest Maker. Wikis for Everyone - Wikispaces.