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Favorite Paint Colors. Diablo III Characters Art - Pictures - Game Pics & Images. CU has 31,743 game artworks for 685 console and computer games. Enter a character, game, or artist name to search. Every image is titled to create a searchable database. Action role-playing game Video Game Developer Video Game Publisher Blizzard Entertainment Release Date Win May 15, 2012 Sep 3, 2013 Sep 4, 2013 Jan 30, 2014.

God of War III Characters Art - Pictures - Game Pics & Images. CU has 31,743 game artworks for 685 console and computer games. Enter a character, game, or artist name to search. Every image is titled to create a searchable database. Action-adventure, Hack and slash. Éditions Créatives. CONCEPT ART. Benjamin Lacombe - Port Folio. G r a p h i c F u n e r a l. The social network for professionals in entertainment - Animation, Movies, Visual Effects, Games, Illustration, Concept Artists, and more. If you make cool stuff, join us!

Welcome to MattePainting.Org. Concept Art World. Character Designs - An Artist's Resource. アニメーション美術、背景、設定デザインなど。 LeewiArt 专业CG艺术社区 首页. CG艺术社区 资源 奇幻插画家Justin Gelade绘画步骤分析. CG艺术社区 资源 韩国场景画家(paperblue)朴在哲. 唯美的個性插畫-Stuntkid. 3D動畫的幕後功臣. CG・イラストの描き方講座-お絵描きIRADUKAI. イラストコミュニケーションサービス[pixiv(ピクシブ)] [icelog] WEBアニメスタイル | 【artwork】『四畳半神話大系』第3回 美術その2. 【artwork】『四畳半神話大系』第3回 美術その2 前回に引き続き、今回も背景美術を抜粋して取り上げる。

WEBアニメスタイル | 【artwork】『四畳半神話大系』第3回 美術その2

独特のパースと色彩が目に楽しいこれらの情景の中で、一体どんなドラマが展開するのか? 実在のロケーションがいくつも登場するので、その場所を実際に知っている人なら面白さも倍増だろう。 ▲大学の時計塔(第1話) ▲下鴨神社・夕方(第1話) ▲下鴨神社・古本市(第1話) ▲部室の廊下(第2話) ▲青空(第2話) ▲峠道(第3話) ▲尾道大橋(第3話) ▲発電所(第3話) ▲大文字山・火床(第3話) 【artwork】『四畳半神話大系』第4回へつづく 四畳半神話大系 第1巻(初回限定生産版)[DVD] 価格/3990円(税込) カラー/45分(2話収録)/16:9/片面一層/TV未放映エピソード(7分)、ヨーロッパ企画の京都案内 初回版特典/豪華ブックレット(中村佑介キャラクター原案イラスト完全収録)、偽どこでも四畳半(半畳サイズのレジャーシート) [Amazon] Flat Light Bulb for special. If I would have gotten a dollar for every time I wish I had some kind of light source around while being in the dark I would have been a rich man today.

Flat Light Bulb for special

Whether it is when trying to open the door after a night out or just trying to fix something in a cramped area where light is sparse I have many times cursed at the absence of light. But there is seemingly a solution on the horizon for this common problem. Pocket torches or flash lights have been the problem solver for years but I must admit that they are crummy and not always easy to carry around with you. For example, who brings a small flash light with them while going out partying for example. I am one of those that wants to bring as little as possible with me and a flash light is definitely not among the things I would pick if I had to. Designer Harc Lee (who seems to be a kick butt concept designer) has developed a flat light bulb that you can easily carry with you in your wallet or in your pocket. Author: Richard Darell. Official website - Annecy International Animated Film Festival a.

Kweli's Gallery. Polaroid transfers. Free Photoshop Brushes. Painters Wheel. Tutorial King - Photoshop Tutorials. Create a Fantastic Abstract Fan Poster. In this tutorial, we are going to get creative with layering, lighting, and texture to build fantastic abstract piece.

Create a Fantastic Abstract Fan Poster

More specifically, we’re going to employ some unusual techniques to make a fan poster for the band Omega Code, but you’ll quickly see many different applications for what is taught here. Before starting, it’s we must download and thank Moonchilde-Stock and SXC for their wonderful stock images. Final Image Preview Before you start take a look at the final image you will be creating. Step 1 – Preparing the scene Start by creating a new document.

Step 2 – Creating the background Create a new layer group called "Background". Step 3 Next you need to apply a Radial Blur to this layer (Filter > Blur > Radial Blur) and apply a amount of 100 with Blur Method set to Zoom and the Quality to Best. Step 4 Press Command + F (Ctrl + F on Windows) to apply the same filter again. The Making of 'Descendants' Because of the small team size and the project's distinct challenges, they needed to come up with a row of clever technical solutions.

The Making of 'Descendants'

Usually student films at the Institute use an Excel document to organize the shot list but Holger had more in mind. Because the film had a very tough deadline, he did not only require a table tracking shot length, the person working on it and the approval status, he also wanted to be able to automate a lot of tasks, such as creating compositings, starting renders and executing scripts in multiple scenes. As a result of these requirements, the 'ShotManager' was born - first planed to be open for any kind of project, but then customized for this project only.

Since the whole film takes place at the edge of a clearing of a dark forest, the set had a fixed size. Splitting the set into about 6 multiple reference models has made it possible to set the scene layering inside of the scene manger (enable/disable what's required)