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Business Names and Taglines

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How to Create a Rock-Solid Tagline That Truly Works. 10 company name types on TechCrunch: Pros and cons : The Name Inspector. Every once in a while The Name Inspector likes to step back and look at the big picture. This post illustrates ten name categories that account for all the names in the TechCrunch company/product index. Well, almost all of them. The name 1 800 Free 411 would have required its own category, and that would have made eleven categories instead of the magic ten. So let’s just ignore that name for now. Though most of the TechCrunch names are “Web 2.0″ names, there’s nothing particularly Web 2.0 about the categories. Of course, there are different ways to categorize names. 1. Names that are simply repurposed words.

Pros: These names are short and come ready-made with rich, often multiple associations. Cons: Expect to pay money–possibly a lot–to secure the URL. Adobe Amazon Apple Dapper Ether Expo Flock Fox Grouper Indeed Multiply Pandora Pluck Revver Riffs Shadows Sphere Wink Yahoo! Misspelled words Foreign words 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cons: Sometimes these names sound contrived. 7. 8 Mistakes To Avoid When Naming Your Business.

Naming a business is a lot like laying the cornerstone of a building. Once it's in place, the entire foundation and structure is aligned to that original stone. If it's off, even just a bit, the rest of the building is off, and the misalignment becomes amplified. So if you have that gnawing sense that choosing a name for your new business is vitally important, you're right. With 18 years experience in the naming and branding business, I've witnessed the good, the bad and the really bad. Mistake #1: Getting the "committee" involved in your decision. Mistake #2: Employing the "train wreck" method of creating a name. Mistake #3: Using words so plain they'll never stand out in a crowd. Mistake #4: Taking the atlas approach and using a map to name your company.

Many other companies have struggled with the same issue. Mistake #5: Turning your name into a cliche. Mistake #6: Making your business name so obscure, customers will never know what it means. Entrepreneur Event Series. Find Similar or Opposite words at Chart of English Language Roots -