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Cracking Siri. March 12, 2014 It is getting hard to publish an app where forms are not mandatory. Users are exposed to input data through forms in order to access the service (login, registering), achieve a task (searching, checking out) or complete secondary actions (for instance getting in touch with the editor). Darkel. John Sculley On Steve Jobs, The Full Interview Transcript. Steve Jobs and John Sculley, the former CEO of Apple.

John Sculley On Steve Jobs, The Full Interview Transcript

The pair were dubbed the "dynamic duo. " Here’s a full transcript of the interview with John Sculley on the subject of Steve Jobs. It’s long but worth reading because there are some awesome insights into how Jobs does things. It’s also one of the frankest CEO interviews you’ll ever read. Sculley talks openly about Jobs and Apple, admits it was a mistake to hire him to run the company and that he knows little about computers. Apple Study: 8 easy steps to beat Microsoft (and Google)

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