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Street art video. Banksy. Fecal Face - Spring Street - Part I. Coverage of the project in NYC- Part I by Jesse Pollock Photos: David Gonzalez If you have ever been in New York's Little Italy, chances are you probably walked by the former horse stable on 11 Spring Street. The outside wall has long accumulated layer upon layer of graffiti and posters, earning it a worldwide reputation among muralist and street artists.

After 2 property sales starting with the building's eccentric long-time owner, it's being torn down and replaced with condos. Luckily, The Wooster Collective stepped and negotiated with the building's Project construcion manager to have one final art event. A sort 'closing reception' as it were. New York artist David Gonzalez has been covering the progress for us and sent over these recent images of the project. More information on The Spring Street Project can be found here: Bs.As.Stncl.