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China. Living in the Chinese Cosmos: Understanding Religion in Late-Imperial China. To understand Chinese theology (literally “discourse about gods”), we need to explore theories about human existence, and before that we need to review some of the basic concepts of Chinese cosmology.

Living in the Chinese Cosmos: Understanding Religion in Late-Imperial China

What is the Chinese conception of the cosmos? Any simple answer to that question, of course, merely confirms the biases assumed but not articulated by the question -- that there is only one such authentically Chinese view, and that the cosmos as such, present unproblematically to all people, was a coherent topic of discussion in traditional China. Nevertheless, the answer to that question offered by one scholar of China, Joseph Needham, provides a helpful starting point for the analysis. Condensed China: Chinese History for Beginners. The Story of Mankind. Chronology of Events in Science, Mathematics, and Technology.