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Eating Vegetarian? 7 Cooking Blogs to Check Out Right Now. There are so many talented recipe developers and bloggers creating beautiful, nutritious food each week.

Eating Vegetarian? 7 Cooking Blogs to Check Out Right Now

Truthfully, there are hundreds, but I decided to choose a few of my very favorites to feature here today — vegetarian blogs that I return to each week to inspire and inform my own cooking. Even if you're not vegetarian yourself, there's still so much to speak to you in any of these sites. Every one of these blogs is a celebration of the seasons and the joy of cooking with whole foods in an accessible, authentic way. I was a vegetarian for almost fifteen years, and I remember the inevitable ruts I'd get into every few months, usually with the turn of the seasons. I'd find myself continually turning to the same recipes, over and over. These 7 vegetarian cooking blogs are a few of my favorites. What are your favorite vegetarian cooking blogs?

(Image: Laura of The First Mess) Blueberry Espresso Brownies. » Grain-free Coconut Flour Tortillas Against All Grain. *Update: I used to use a non-stick pan or a non-stick griddle for these.

» Grain-free Coconut Flour Tortillas Against All Grain

It is definitely the easiest way to make them, but in an effort to reduce the use of toxic metals that leach into the food while cooking, we have ditched all teflon in our house. I found this awesome blue steel crepe pan on Amazon for $15 that works perfectly for these. Cast iron and stainless steel will stick fyi! These coconut flour tortillas are so versatile and simple to make. I most often use them in my enchilada recipe and lasagna recipe, but they also double as crepes for breakfast or dessert. . * For SCD, sub 1/4 teaspoon baking soda and 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice for the baking powder A Note About Coconut Flour Coconut flour is made by drying and finely grinding the meat of a coconut. I learned the hard way that you cannot substitute it for another flour 100% unless you add additional liquid. Cook Almost Any Grain with This Handy Infographic Chart. How to Make Easy 3-Ingredient Energy Bars at Home Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn.

Power bars!

How to Make Easy 3-Ingredient Energy Bars at Home Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn

Make them at home with only three ingredients and a food processor. Prepare for your mind to be blown. Ready? Homemade energy bars. Three ingredients. I am a huge fan of chewy, nutty, fruit-filled energy bars of the sort made by Lärabar. I tinkered with ratios a bit, but in the end, I decided to take the most straight-forward path: equal parts dried fruits, nuts, and pitted dates. My favorite is still cherries, almonds, and dates (which are pictured here), but you can swap out the cherries and almonds for any dried fruit or nut. You can also play around with adding other ingredients into the mix: a few tablespoons of chia seeds, a handful of coconut, even some chocolate chips.

Making energy bars really is that simple. Makes 8 large bars or 16 small square-shaped bars What You Need Ingredients 1 cup nuts 1 cup (12-15 whole) pitted dried dates, preferably Medjool Equipment Food processor Plastic wrap or wax paper Sharp knife Instructions Roast the nuts (optional).