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80+ Photoshop Actions for Giving Your Pictures a Vintage Look. Photoshop actions are great.

80+ Photoshop Actions for Giving Your Pictures a Vintage Look

With just a click of a button you can apply a complicated effect to a photo instantly. One of the most popular type of actions is the vintage or retro style. With the popularity of vintage-inspired Instagram filters and film emulation, the older style is desired with many photos. Fortunately, there are plenty of quality Photoshop actions that will help you to get vintage effects quickly and easily. In this article, I’ve rounded up over eighty Photoshop actions that will add very cool vintage or retro effects to your photos. 10 Photoshop Actions to Create Instagram Style Effects.

Instagram is one of the most popular apps for the iPhone, allowing users to quickly and easily apply retro style filters to their snapshots to create trendy effects based on authentic photography techniques.

10 Photoshop Actions to Create Instagram Style Effects

You don’t have to limit these effects to your iPhone photos, this post rounds up a collection of high quality Photoshop Actions that will recreate all your favourite vintage and retro styles on your high res photos with the click of a button. It can sometimes be difficult to compare Photoshop Actions when they’re applied to different types of images, so I’ve downloaded and tested out each and every one of the actions listed below. STIHL - get outdoors campaign. Smoking Kids by Frieke Janssens. “A YouTube video of a two-year-old Indonesian nicotine toddler inspired me to create this series, “Smoking Kids”.

Smoking Kids by Frieke Janssens

The video highlighted the cultural differences between the east and west, and questioned notions of smoking being a mainly adult activity. Adult smokers are the societal norm, so I wanted to isolate the viewer’s focus upon the issue of smoking itself. I felt that children smoking would have a surreal impact upon the viewer and compel them to truly see the acts of smoking rather than making assumptions about the person doing the act.