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Facebook Twitter i blocchi (e spiegazioni) per ottenere l'attestato dell'Artista - Scuola e Tecnologia. Timeline JS3 - Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use. What Happens When Students Use Technology Better Than Teachers? What Happens When Students Use Technology Better Than Teachers? By Terry Heick You know the content, you understand pedagogy, and you can navigate the minefield of diplomacy when dealing with parents, students, administrators, literacy coaches, and the local news station when they want to see the iPads glow on the students faces. You know how to manage and coddle, inspire and organize, assess and deliver content. But the technology is different. That part you do okay with, but, truth be told, the students are geniuses with technology.

Born hackers. They’re digital natives. You were born during a better time–more pure, full of John Milton, philosophy, and having to knock on doors or yell down the street to find your friends. A time uncorrupted by facebook and cyberbullying. So you’re doing the social media thing to make up for lost time. But you hear how students talk about technology–what they’re able to do effortlessly–and it kind of intimidates you.

Have you seen the stuff they share? What Students Do Better Than Teachers. What Students Do Better Than Teachers by Terry Heick You can ask your students what they’re interested in—what they’re curious about—but that’s not the right question, because they probably don’t know. Or don’t know they know. A big part of communicating with children (of any age) is the terms and form of the conversations. Terms as in why you’re communicating, who is a part of the communication process, and the medium you’re communicating through (if any). Form as in the aesthetic of the communication—the language, tone, and schema.

That last bit—schema—hints at background knowledge. I trust you to truly listen and understand me. You trust me to use symbols and forms that mean the same thing to you as they do to me. We each trust that we’re both open to communicating, and vulnerable to new ideas. The Solution Terms and form. Asking students what they’re interested in breaks rules in beneath both of these banners. The same goes with other questions that are entirely valid for you and I as adults: 4 Things Innovative Schools Have In Common - 4 Things Innovative Schools Have In Common by Steve Wheeler, Associate Professor, Plymouth Institute of Education A recent list of 13 innovative schools is interesting because it is so diverse. Clearly innovation and creativity is not one dimensional.

Some of the schools on the list are considered innovative because of the way they use their learning spaces, whilst others are vaunted because of their progressive pedagogical approaches. I have visited several schools around the world that deserve to be included within such a list, and I’m sure other teachers and education specialists out there would have similar views. The first feature that many of the schools on this list have in common is their view of the children. Secondly the schools are connected with the outside world. Thirdly, the curriculum is delivered in a manner that encourages critical and creative thinking, through the use of problem solving, discussion and active engagement with the environment.

12 Barriers To Innovation In Education. 12 Barriers To Innovation In Education by Terry Heick Ed note: This post has been reposted (unchanged) from its original posting in 2014. Innovation is not something that just happens–or, rather it does given the right chemistry. Oftentimes this chemistry is referred to locally in schools as “climate,” but climate is only a small part of the formula. Where innovation comes from is an popular topic recently as new projects are increasingly visible, and due to digital reach, impactful across fields and industries. Right now, let’s stick to innovation in public education. In K-12 education, there is a lot that can slow down innovation, and below are 12 guesses at some of those suspects. Note, this doesn’t necessarily make any of the following “bad” anymore than a needle point, hot stove, or venomous snake should be thought of as “bad.”

Maybe. 12. Most parents are accustomed to one way of being educated—the way things were when they were in school. 11. But the meetings can be poorly attended. 9.


Tech News. SCUOLA DIGITALE. Ted. Daily Genius - Top Education Technology Tools And Deals. Edudemic - Education Technology Tips For Students And Teachers. Edutopia | K-12 Education Tips & Strategies That Work. Product Reviews | EdSurge. Certificare le competenze digitali per garantire le professionalità | Che Futuro! Angeli Digitali, Animatori Digitali, Campioni Digitali, eccellenze digitali. Questi sono solo alcuni dei termini che in questi ultimi mesi vediamo girare sia nel mondo analogico (quotidiani cartacei) che nel mondo digitale (in particolare nei blog e nei social network).

Quando usiamo questi termini il collegamento è sempre con le competenze digitali, tema che sta particolarmente a cuore all’Europa e che in Italia spesso fatica ad essere compreso nel modo corretto. In origine c’erano le “patenti digitali” e il world “wild” web Siamo stati abituati negli anni passati una vera e propria corsa all’oro in un settore dove non esisteva alcuna regolamentazione. Il “Bingo!” Lo fece l’ECDL, ossia la certificazione proprietaria nata da AICA (associazione culturale che opera in Italia dagli anni 60), sviluppata coinvolgendo altre associazioni in ambito europeo. Guardiamoci alle spalle e valutiamo con il senno di poi cosa ha portato l’assenza di una standardizzazione. Cosa cambia dal 2013? 1. 2. 3. 4. The Big Picture Of Education Technology: The Padagogy Wheel.