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Brave Girls Club - a little bird told me. Every day we feature a different songbird and artist on our emails and want to invite all our Brave Girl friends to participate! If you have original artwork of any songbird that you'd be willing to share, please email us a high res photo along with your name and where you're from, along with your photo (if you don't mind) and a link to your blog or website so we can feature you as our 'little birdie artist of the day'! The images that work best are those that feature a single songbird that is clearly visible from the background. The finished images we use are 180 pixels wide but, we are happy to crop and resize as needed. We are happy to report that we have received a LOT of birdie art and we LOVE IT! THANK YOU for sharing your talents through your beautiful artwork. So we've decided to wage our own little war against those lies by sending our brave friends a daily truth.

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