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Comprehensive technology information covering the electronics industry's most important platforms, architectures, operating systems and vertical markets. A comment in the GABEonEDA blog entry “Accellera Works Toward a Unified Verification Methodology (UVM)” recently caught my attention: Silicon respins due to design errors not only have not diminished in number, they have actually increased.

This is an indication that complexity has grown more than the ability of verification tools to detect errors. The article continues by discussing the industry effort lead by Accellera and their member companies to improve verification. I attended Accellera’s panel discussion at the recent Design Automation Conference (DAC). DAC’s presentations and products that address verification, as well as other articles and blogs on the subject, illustrate the need in that area.

Verification is just one of many steps in the development life cycle of a product, starting from high-level design, through verification, and on to system test. Effective methodologies, too, are necessary for successful product development. Embedded Bridge. In a survey I conducted of several firmware engineers, lack of good documentation of hardware was the number one complaint. It is because firmware engineers so heavily rely on the hardware documentation to correctly do their job. Some of the engineers said that wrong documentation is worse than no documentation because of the wasted time producing incorrect code. It is a problem because one group (hardware engineers in this case) has to produce documentation for a different group (firmware engineers). They generally are in different physical locations, come from different engineering backgrounds, have different terminology, and have different perspectives on the end products. To overcome these differences, hardware and firmware engineers need to collaborate with each other.

Writing documentation is difficult. When I write, I understand perfectly well what I meant to say. Best Practice: Give hardware documentation to firmware engineers to review and respond with comments and issues. FreeRTOS - Market leading RTOS (Real Time Operating System) for embedded systems with Internet of Things extensions.


Embedded World 2014: 5 Hot Trends. SoC Milkymist: le développement logiciel en pratique / GLMF-130 / GNU/Linux Magazine / Connect - Edition Diamond. Le numéro 124 de février vous a donné une présentation générale et assez théorique du System-on-Chip (SoC) libre Milkymist. Maintenant, nous allons nous orienter vers la pratique en détaillant les différentes opérations nécessaires au développement de logiciels fonctionnant sur cette plate-forme : installation des outils de compilation, construction d'un noyau Linux compatible, compilation d'applications et utilisation de l'émulateur QEMU, pour finir avec la configuration d'une carte de développement FPGA permettant de prototyper le SoC et le déploiement du logiciel sur cette dernière. 1.

Introduction En plus de disposer de cœurs d'accélération graphique destinés à l'application prévue de rendu d'effets vidéo en direct, le SoC Milkymist comprend un ordinateur embarqué intégré sur la puce, lui permettant d'exécuter des logiciels complexes avec des performances tout à fait honorables dans le domaine de l'embarqué. 2. Installation des outils de compilation 2.1.1 Binutils .. .. 2.2.2 Tarball 3. . DARPA Open-Source Catalogue Now Easily Browseable.