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Understanding Precession of the Equinox | END GAME TIMES. It all starts with the ILLUSION Precession of the equinox is the observed phenomenon whereby the equinoctial point precesses (moves backward) through the constellations of the Zodiac at the rate of approximately 50.24 arc seconds annually. In examining the mechanics of the motion of precession of the equinox, one will notice two observables: 1. The North Celestial Pole on its 23.45 degree incline slowly traces a large circle in the sky, pointing to different pole stars over thousands of years, and 2. Some years ago it was observed that if the Earth’s axis did wobble due to lunisolar forces, it would slowly change the seasons within the calendar.

For example, in the northern hemisphere it would eventually become winter in the months of July and August, and summer in January and February. All the way back in 1914, a scientist named Percival Lowell had this figured out. To summarize: the annual precession rate is accelerating. Sidereal vs. Welcome to the Cassiopeia Project. Understanding Precession of the Equinox | END GAME TIMES. Precession of the earth. Precession of Earth's Axis [3D CG Animation+Music] Earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions. iReleaseEndorphins. Nassim Haramein - A Dodecahedron contains 3 Golden... NIKOLA TESLA – Everything is the Light – Interview with Nikola Tesla from 1899 – Tesla meets King Peter II of Yugoslavia on July 15, 1942. Tesla’s nephew, Sava Kosanović, is third from the left.

Once, in 1899, Nikola Tesla had an interview with a certain journalist John Smith, when Tesla said “Everything is the Light“. In one of its rays is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in that great light source, which we see as the Sun. In this interview this greatest inventor and seer of modern time unravels a new vision of humanity which we, the light warriors of the first and the last hour have created a century later. A must read for every Ascended Master from the PAT. Part of this interview is dedicated to Tesla’s critics on Einstein’s theory of relativity that discards the ether as energy. Journalist: Mr. Tesla: It is a right question, Mr. Journalist: Some say you’re from the country of Croatia, from the area called Lika, where together with the people are growing trees, rocks and starry sky. Tesla: Really, all it true. Journalist: What is it, Mr. Summary. Ancient Aliens – The Cygnus Mystery. Secrets in Plain Sight. Secrets In Plain Sight ( is an awe inspiring exploration of great art, architecture, and urban design which skillfully unveils an unlikely intersection of geometry, politics, numerical philosophy, religious mysticism, new physics, music, astronomy, and world history.

Exploring key monuments and their positions in Egypt, Stonehenge, Jerusalem, Rome, Paris, London, Edinburgh, Washington DC, New York, and San Francisco brings to light a secret obsession shared by pharaohs, philosophers and kings; templars and freemasons; great artists and architects; popes and presidents, spanning the whole of recorded history up to the present time. Sonic Geometry : The Language of Frequency and Form (in High Definition) Jonathan Quintin Art. Jamie Janover - Phi - The Golden Key. VIDEO COLLECTION. India permits free energy technology despite threats from UK, US, Saudi Arabia. India considers its own free energy program a matter of national pride, and is very much willing to risk antagonizing Petrodollar countries with its support on Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG) invented by its own Paramahamsa Tewari, an electrical engineer and former Executive Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India.

Years ago, Tewari has also proven the theories inside Bruce de Palma’s homopolar engine which first exposed this writer to the world of free energy technologies. Obviously, a country cannot implement its own free energy program without considering all possible consequence including a military response from Petrodollar countries, e.g.

Saudi Arabia, UK, US. That’s why India has been aligning its own military program with that of Russia which at present is standing up, together with the BRICS countries, against the Nazionist cabal imposing all sorts of sanctions to destroy it. In November 2014, I made one of many visits to the laboratory of Paramahamsa Tewari. Open Source Plans for Modern Tesla Free Energy Generator Released to Public. "This new power for the driving of the world’s machinery will be derived from the energy which operates the universe, the cosmic energy, whose central source for the earth is the sun and which is everywhere present in unlimited quantities.”

–Nikola Tesla One of the great minds of our time, Nikola Tesla, was buried by the established oil barons of the 20th century and forgotten until the advent of the internet. Thomas Edison and J.P. Morgan bought his patents for energy devices that worked with no fuel and shelved them in order to continue to sell people electricity. John D. Rockefeller happily continued to supply the oil.

It's a story of epic proportions that outlines the behavior of human greed. Of course, as stated, his patents were buried. Inventor, James M. For generations, we have been told that Tesla's inventions and claims were not real, while the patents have blatantly resided in waiting, ready to be used. You can view and download the plans here and here.

David Wolfe. The Template Org | Sacred Geometry, Sacred Ceremony & DNA. Fractal Enlightenment | हम सब एक है ~ We Are All One. Water Is Conscious - Scientific Proof. A famous study by Dr. Masura Emoto demonstrates that the energy of our thoughts has a direct effect on the geometric structure of water molecules within ice crystal formations. The hypothesis that water “treated” with intention can affect ice crystals formed from that water was pilot tested under double-blind conditions. A group of approximately 2,000 people in Tokyo focused positive intentions toward water samples located inside an electromagnetically shielded room in California. That group was unaware of similar water samples set aside in a different location as controls. Ice crystals formed from both sets of. Ice crystals formed from both sets of water samples were blindly identified and photographed by an analyst, and the resulting images were blindly assessed for aesthetic appeal by 100 independent judges.

Consciousness has measurable effects on the geometric structure of water crystals. How Old is The Water On Earth? Hang onto your chair and prepare to have your mind blown.. New research reveals that a big portion of the Earth’s water is older than previously thought, and actually predates the age of the Sun. Moreover, the findings of the study suggest that water – and life – could exist on exoplanets throughout our galaxy and beyond. That bottle of water sitting on your desk is really really old.. Actually, unfathomably ancient.. “This is an important step forward in our quest to find out if life exists on other planets,” said Professor Tim Harries of the University of Exeter, a member of the research team. The findings increase the chances that water is present on other planets. It is worth noting that water is not an exclusive privilege of our planet.

The prevailing theory in modern cosmology suggests that water came from the solar nebula, or the so-called protoplanetary disc, a cloud of dust and gas surrounding the forming Sun. New Mind-blowing Experiment Confirms That Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking at It. According to a well-known theory in quantum physics, a particle’s behavior changes depending on whether there is an observer or not. It basically suggests that reality is a kind of illusion and exists only when we are looking at it. Numerous quantum experiments were conducted in the past and showed that this indeed might be the case. Now, physicists at the Australian National University have found further evidence for the illusory nature of reality.

They recreated the John Wheeler’s delayed-choice experiment and confirmed that reality doesn’t exist until it is measured, at least on the atomic scale. Thought-provoking findings Some particles, such as photons or electrons, can behave both as particles and as waves. The results of the Australian scientists’ experiment, which were published in the journal Nature Physics, show that this choice is determined by the way the object is measured, which is in accordance with what quantum theory predicts. “It proves that measurement is everything.