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Top 50 quotes about discovering your true self. How-big-is-the-universe-large.jpg (JPEG Image, 1000 × 20000 pixels) List of Most Expensive Colleges and Universities. Higher-ed affordability, or lack thereof, has been in the news, what with President Obama’s proposed financial aid overhaul , and with the Occupy movement drawing attention to student-loan debt (now outpacing credit-card debt). Assuming you’ve opened a newspaper in the last few years, you probably know that getting a Bachelor’s is insanely expensive. And unless you’re Mitt-Romney rich, this probably worries you. But if you’re not in college, and don’t have a child who’s in college or getting ready to go, you might not have a terribly specific understanding of just how expensive “insanely expensive” really is.

To fill this terrible gap in your knowledge, click over to the Department of Education’s transparency site . You’ll find a widget that can generate a list of the most costly colleges in the country according to either “highest tuition” or “highest net prices,” meaning the total cost of attendance minus the average amount of government or institutional aid. Irwin Redlener on surviving a nuclear attack. Qwiki.