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UXLabs | User Experience Research and Design. GURTEEN KNOWLEDGE. Iaslash. Information Architecture Consulting by Peter Morville. 60 questions, le blog. Louis Rosenfeld: Information Architecture & User Experience. Nielsen Norman Group: usability consulting, training & user rese. Heuristic Evaluation with Morae. Jakob Nielsen introduced the notion of "discount usability" in the early 1990s.

Discount usability served as an antidote to the received wisdom (amongst developers at least) that usability takes forever and costs too much money. Discount usability introduced three key techniques that aimed to simplify methods of data collection: The cost of Nielsen's first discount usability method, usability testing, has been greatly reduced by Techsmith's Morae software, first released in 2004. Morae is a suite of tools that allow you to record all your computer activity, including screen, camera, audio, mouse and keyboard activity. I've spent a lot of time using Morae for usability testing.

A few words about heuristic evaluation Heuristic evaluation is a key component of the discount usability movement introduced by Jacob Nielsen. Streamlining the process Each evaluator fires up Morae Recorder and carries out their evaluation. Let's go through each of these steps in turn. Step 1: The evaluation Dr.