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Utopia/Dystopia: literary extracts

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Utopia. For thousands of years human beings have dreamt of perfect worlds, worlds free of conflict, hunger and unhappiness.


But can these worlds ever exist in reality? In 1516 Sir Thomas More wrote the first 'Utopia'. He coined the word 'utopia' from the Greek ou-topos meaning 'no place' or 'nowhere'. Utopia/Dystopia. Walden Two. Walden Two is a utopian novel written by behavioral psychologist B.

Walden Two

F. Skinner, first published in 1948. In its time, it could have been considered science fiction, since science-based methods for altering people's behavior did not yet exist.[1][2] Such methods are now known as applied behavior analysis. Walden Two is controversial because its characters speak of a rejection of free will [3] and a rejection of the proposition that human behavior is controlled by a non-corporeal entity, such as a spirit or a soul.[4] Walden Two embraces the proposition that the behavior of organisms, including humans, is determined by environmental variables,[5] and that systematically altering environmental variables can generate a sociocultural system that very closely approximates utopia.[6] Synopsis[edit] Dystopia/utopia. Dystopia/utopia. Harrison Bergeron.

French Translation from Avice Robitaille.

Harrison Bergeron

Hindi Translation by Ashwin.Urdu Translation by RealMSRussian translation THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law.