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May 2016 Faculty Workshop. I was 35 when I discovered I'm on the autism spectrum. Here's how it changed my life. "Do you hate crowds, especially at supermarkets and restaurants? " I avoided eye contact, which I knew I wasn't supposed to do. "Yes. " If Dr. P. noticed, she was too busy looking at the questionnaire to let on.

"Do you tend to repeat heard words, parts of words, or TV commercials? " I immediately flashed back to middle school, randomly repeating such phrases from TV as, "I don't think so, Tim," from Home Improvement. I was tempted to respond that way this time. "Do you have trouble sustaining conversations? " "Yes. " "Is your voice often louder than the situation requires? " "Do you find yourself resistant to change? " "Do you have restricted interests, like watching the same video over and over? " "Did you start reading and/or memorizing books at an early age? " Eye contact suddenly became much, much easier. "It is. I went back to boring a hole in the carpet with my eyes.

"Have you ever picked up and smelled random objects, like toys when you were younger? " "That's a sign? " "Sometimes. "...yes. " 3 ADHD Myths That Just Aren't True. By Jeff Emmerson Published Oct 27, 2014 I went to hell and back with undiagnosed ADHD until the age of 35 (three years ago), but during that journey I gained insight from people going through similar struggles all over the world. I have also witnessed how the term ADHD is thrown around like a punchline, and how incorrect facts about the diagnosis itself spread like a disease.

So I wanted to cut straight to the truth behind this condition — or gift, as I firmly believe it to be — once the positive aspects of ADHD are harnessed. Here are three common ADHD myths that are far from the truth: 1. While it may appear that we’re lazy or uninterested at times, that isn’t actually what’s going on inside our heads and hearts. 2. When we are passionate about something, we are truly unstoppable. 3. I’m on a mission to educate the world about ADHD’s inherent gifts. Insomnia and ADHD. The 10 Best Productivity Apps for Adults with ADHD.

Best ADD Tools: Reader Recommendations. Famous People with ADHD - ADD AdultADD Adult. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, the secret to happiness. Dear How to: a year of hand drawn instructions. 16 Things I Wish They Had Taught Me in School. I am 28 now. I don’t think about the past or regret things much these days.

But sometimes I wish that I had known some of things I have learned over the last few years a bit earlier. That perhaps there had been a self-improvement class in school. And in some ways there probably was. Because some of these 16 things in this article a teacher probably spoke about in class. But I forgot about them or didn’t pay attention. Some of it would probably not have stuck in my mind anyway. But I still think that taking a few hours from all those German language classes and use them for some personal development classes would have been a good idea. So here are 16 things I wish they had taught me in school (or I just would like to have known about earlier). 1. This is one of the best ways to make better use of your time. So a lot of what you do is probably not as useful or even necessary to do as you may think. You can just drop – or vastly decrease the time you spend on – a whole bunch of things. 2. 3.

Psychological Benefits of Exercise. When I was about to turn 40, I started working out regularly after years of inactivity. As I sweated my way through cardio, weights, and dance classes, I noticed that exercise wasn’t just changing my body. It was also profoundly transforming my brain—for the better. The immediate effects of exercise on my mood and thought process proved to be a powerful motivational tool. And as a neuroscientist and workout devotee, I’ve come to believe that these neurological benefits could have profound implications for how we live, learn and age as a society.

Let’s start with one of the most practical immediate benefits of breaking a sweat: exercise combats stress. Exercise is a powerful way to combat feelings of stress because it causes immediate increases in levels of key neurotransmitters, including serotonin, noradrenalin, dopamine and endorphins, that are often depleted by anxiety and depression. Exercise improves our ability to shift and focus attention. We welcome your comments at

How Creativity Makes Us Feel Alive. 141 15Share Synopsis The process of inner transformation is itself a creative process, for through the process of advanced inner development, you are literally creating a new self. Adapted from Wired to Create: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind, by Scott Barry Kaufman and Carolyn Gregoire Our selves are constantly evolving as we learn more about the world and our own identities and seek meaning in our experiences. According to Michael Piechowski, the process of inner transformation is itself a creative process, for through the process of advanced inner development, you are literally creating a new self. Similarly, Rosa Aurora Chávez-Eakle and colleagues note that “the creative process allows self-reorganizations that makes [it] possible to experience states that seem to be pathological. . . . A highly creative individual is in constant self-actualization. . . .

This sense of aliveness is beautifully captured in a seminal theory by Polish psychiatrist Kazimierz Dąbrowski. Aspergers Adult AQ Test Quiz Online: Autism Spectrum Quotient. I prefer to do things with others rather than on my own. I prefer to do things the same way over and over again. If I try to imagine something, I find it very easy to create a picture in my mind. I frequently get so strongly absorbed in one thing that I lose sight of other things.

I often notice small sounds when others do not. I usually notice car number plates or similar strings of information. Top 8 Mental Health Apps For Your Wellbeing. It is no surprise that mental health apps, particularly those that help people meditate and relax, are taking off at an astonishing rate. Mental health experts have been touting the benefits of meditation on a variety of health issues for years. Several studies have shown that meditation can greatly improve mental health, but can also positively impact physical health as well. Many of these meditation apps are just the beginning of how technology is changing health care, counseling, and other fields associated with mental health care. These applications have also made it possible for more people to keep track of and assess their stress and anxiety levels, which can be monumental in personal well-being. Here is a list of 8 wholesome mental health apps for relaxation and meditation.

Calm: A great app for beginners to meditation that are looking to find relaxation. Rating: 4 stars. Headspace: Omvana: Rating: 4+ stars. Smiling Mind: Rating: 3.5+ stars. Relax Melodies: Rating: 5 stars. Buddhify: Dysgraphia Tools and Apps | Help With Writing | Handwriting Practice. 5 apps for increasing independence for adults with autism. With the increase in adults with autism living in the community in their own home or apartment whether alone with support or with others with support, the development of apps for smartphones and tablets will make the all the difference. Many of those who are now embarking on this huge transition are of the age where using a tablet in school or on a daily basis was not something they were used to.

Therefore, apps are not the first thing their parents go to for learning. Some use pictures from magazines or familiar photos taped to a poster board, or the use of white boards on the refrigerator to teach a skill. But a combination of the 'old school' method developed by Linda Hogdon, CCC-SLP in her book Visual Strategies For Improving Communication. as well as apps for mobile devices with support from direct care professionals and parents, an adult with autism will find keeping up with daily household tasks and grooming will be easier to attain.

ReFrame – helps you to think differently. Change The Structure of Your Brain! Neuroplasticity | SUPER BRAIN. Official Original Source & Definition of Superlearning Music & Technique- Articles, ebooks and guidance. Choice Theory - Glasser Institute. The mission of The William Glasser Institute is to teach all people Choice Theory® and to use it as the basis for training in: Reality Therapy, Lead-Management, and Glasser Quality School Education. Choice Theory The 1998 book, Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom, is the primary text for all that is taught by The William Glasser Institute. Choice theory states that: all we do is behave,that almost all behavior is chosen, andthat we are driven by our genes to satisfy five basic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom and fun. In practice, the most important need is love and belonging, as closeness and connectedness with the people we care about is a requisite for satisfying all of the needs.

Choice theory, with the Seven Caring Habits, replaces external control psychology and the Seven Deadly Habits. Relationships and our Habits The Ten Axioms of Choice Theory. Reality Therapy - Glasser Institute. Click here to listen to an interview with Kim Olver, Executive Director and Dr. David Pittle about Reality Therapy and Choice Theory Reality Therapy is the method of counseling that Dr. Glasser has been teaching since 1965. Reality therapy is firmly based on choice theory and its successful application is dependent on a strong understanding of choice theory. Reality therapy training is available to anyone...the first step in learning this tool is to enroll in a Basic Intensive Training. Since unsatisfactory or non-existent connections with people we need are the source of almost all human problems, the goal of reality therapy is to help people reconnect.

Reality therapy. Reality therapy (RT) is an approach to psychotherapy and counseling. Developed by William Glasser in the 1960s, RT differs from conventional psychiatry, psychoanalysis and medical model schools of psychotherapy in that it focuses on what Glasser calls psychiatry's three Rs: realism, responsibility, and right-and-wrong, rather than symptoms of mental disorders.[1] Reality therapy maintains that the individual is suffering from a socially universal human condition rather than a mental illness. It is in the unsuccessful attainment of basic needs that a person's behavior moves away from the norm. Since fulfilling essential needs is part of a person's present life, reality therapy does not concern itself with a client's past.

Neither does this type of therapy deal with unconscious mental processes. In these ways reality therapy is very different from other forms of psychotherapy.[2] Background[edit] Approach[edit] Core ideas[edit] Action[edit] Behavior[edit] Control[edit] Process[edit] [edit] Today's Most Popular Study Guides. Differentiated Instruction - Examples & Non-Examples. What Is Differentiated Instruction? By Christina Yu, Differentiated instruction, the tailoring of educational experiences to meet individual learner needs, is nothing new.

Hardworking teachers have always recognized the diverse needs of students and adjusted their instruction to account for them. Through one-on-one coaching sessions, small group activities, individualized course packets, reading assignments, and projects, teachers are addressing a range of student levels, interests, strengths, weaknesses, and goals in their classrooms today. Differentiated instruction is difficult and time-consuming work, however, and class sizes are increasing all the time, making individualized learning harder to achieve. 5 Examples Of Differentiated Instruction 5 Non-Examples Of Differentiated Instruction Created by Knewton and Knewton.

Deeper Learning: Performance Assessment and Authentic Audience. In a conversation with a veteran educator -- a man with years of experience teaching English and acting as a headmaster -- I was confronted with a prejudice so ingrained in my teaching that I was almost embarrassed to admit it. He said, "You know, when I ask a student to write a paper and turn it in to me, that's ridiculous; I'm the worst audience they could have.

" I was intrigued. He went on, "Who am I to assume that someone will want to write their best work, something truly personal and creative, for me? A single-person audience is a pretty lame audience, let alone the fact that I'm a middle-aged white guy. " That hit me like a rolled-up newspaper. As I absorbed this veteran educator’s words, I realized that not only was I wrong in my assumption that I (or any teacher) is a meanigful audience, but also that my assumptions about how grading and assessment work were so far removed from modern research that I might as well have been a 21st-century doctor treating humours. This matters. 1. 2. Blending in K-12: How Teachers are Using Technology to Change the Classroom. In September 2015, the Research and Education group at Instructure released the “Blending in K-12: How Teachers are Using Technology to Change the Classroom” infographic.

The report shows how important mobile technology has become in K-12, especially for use during class time. You might think the LMS is primarily for flipped classrooms or learning outside of school, but the vast majority of Canvas usage still happens during the school day in face-to-face classrooms.Teachers are successfully using mobile technology inside their physical classrooms, citing the freedom it gives them to move around and individualize instruction for students. To read the infographic in full, click here or on the image below. Jared Stein Jared has worked in online, blended, and technology-enhanced education for over a decade. He has built initiatives around quality assurance in online course design, faculty development, hybrid teaching, digital spaces, and open educational resources. Website. Are Apps Becoming the New Worksheet? This post originally appeared on Educating Modern Learners.

My seven-year-old daughter loves school. She will line up her stuffed animals in rows and “teach” them for hours on end. When she got a special new doll for her birthday named Isabelle, my daughter took it upon herself to catch her new addition up on all that she had missed by not being in our possession until this past birthday.

One particular evening when she should have been sleeping, I was brought into my daughter’s room by the sounds of her uncontrollable sobs. My daughter may one day grow up to be a teacher. Enter Technology Much of ed-tech today seeks to recreate the same old school activities: the worksheet, the lecture, the multiple-choice test This same daughter has always had a special affinity for learning apps, first on my iPhone and then on the family iPad. Her brother, who is two years younger than his sister and only about to start school in the fall, has never, ever shown any interest in learning apps.