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Illustrator tutorials

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How to Create Vector Denim Texture Using Adobe Illustrator. In this tutorial we will learn how to create a realistic vector denim texture. It’s easier than it might seem at first sight, and I think it can be done by those who are taking their first steps into the world of vector graphics. Creation of other elements of this tutorial is more advanced, although I tried to describe each step clearly. Let’s continue at it’s an interesting and useful tutorial… How to Create Denim Texture Step 1 Take the Rectangle Tool (M) and draw a rectangle filled with blue. Take the Gradient Mesh Tool (U) and create a node at the point A, then replace the color of the nodes A and B with light blue. Step 2 In the lower part of the background with the Rectangle Tool (M) create a rectangle of black color. Now keep the rectangle selected, go to , set the vertical displacement equal to -3 px in the dialog window and click on Copy.

Click on the shortcut the number of times needed to distribute the rectangles across the entire background. Step 3 Step 4 How to Create Seam on Jeans.

Illustrator tutorials

Black Grid PowerPoint Template. Creating a bulleted list in Illustrator CS3. Adobe Illustrator Basics Tutorials. Tutorials.