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Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis - Wikipedia. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA; also known as Churg-Strauss syndrome [CSS] or allergic granulomatosis[1]) is a rare autoimmune condition that causes inflammation of small and medium-sized blood vessels (vasculitis) in persons with a history of airway allergic hypersensitivity (atopy).

Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis - Wikipedia

It usually manifests in three stages. The early (prodromal) stage is marked by airway inflammation; almost all patients experience asthma and/or allergic rhinitis. The second stage is characterized by abnormally high numbers of eosinophils (hypereosinophilia), which causes tissue damage, most commonly to the lungs and the digestive tract. Anti-nuclear antibody - Wikipedia. Homogeneous immunofluorescence staining pattern of double stranded DNA antibodies on HEp-20-10 cells.

Anti-nuclear antibody - Wikipedia

Interphase cells show homogeneous nuclear staining while mitotic cells show staining of the condensed chromosome regions. Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs, also known as antinuclear factor or ANF)[1] are autoantibodies that bind to contents of the cell nucleus. In normal individuals, the immune system produces antibodies to foreign proteins (antigens) but not to human proteins (autoantigens). In some individuals, antibodies to human antigens are produced.[2]

Gerd/LPR sjorgrens data

Drink this 2 hrs before bed to sleep better -plus 5 tips for insomnia. How Your Gut Affects Your Happiness. An Easy, Healthy Guide to a 'Cleanse' or 'Detox' (That Works) 21 Signs You Might Have a Parasite. 21 Signs You Might Have a Parasite. Thank You! Here’s Your Free PDF. 7 Healthy Eating Rules That Are Surprisingly Useful. Give these weird nutrition rules a try | Joe Raedle/Getty Images Healthy eating and nutrition are difficult to nail down.

7 Healthy Eating Rules That Are Surprisingly Useful

The World's Healthiest Foods. What It Means, Common Causes of Abnormal Levels and Treatment. What It Means, Common Causes of Abnormal MCV, Diagnosis and Treatment MCV blood test, also called Mean Corpuscular Volume is a blood test done as part of the complete blood count (CBC or FBC) test, that helps determine the average size or volume of each of your red blood cells.

What It Means, Common Causes of Abnormal Levels and Treatment

MCV is also sometimes referred to as Mean Cell Volume. At what temperature is a fever dangerous? Temperatures over 106 degrees can cause permanent damage, while temperatures over 108 degrees are truly life-threatening.

At what temperature is a fever dangerous?

When an infant, child or adult reaches dangerous temperatures, they should be taken to the emergency room immediately, as recommended by WebMD. Your MCV Blood Test - It Says a LOT About Your Health. An MCV Blood Test is one component of the CBC Blood Test that measures the number and the different types of cells in your blood.

Your MCV Blood Test - It Says a LOT About Your Health

Specifically, it is actually a measure of the average VOLUME of Red Blood Cells that are also called Erythrocytes. The word MCV stands for Mean Corpuscle Volume- as red blood cells are also sometimes referred to as corpuscles. The normal range is between 80 to 100 fl. (there are ALWAYS slight variations between different labs) and the two possibilities for abnormal levels are: Macrocytic Anemia: When the number is BIGGER than it should be, this means that the cell is LARGER than normal. While the term 'anemia' by itself is a well known condition that usually means too few red blood cells, low iron, or too little hemoglobin; microcytic and macrocytic anemia mean something different.

What Do Blood Tests Show? - NHLBI, NIH. Blood tests show whether the levels of different substances in your blood fall within a normal range.

What Do Blood Tests Show? - NHLBI, NIH

For many blood substances, the normal range is the range of levels seen in 95 percent of healthy people in a certain group. For many tests, normal ranges vary depending on your age, gender, race, and other factors. Your blood test results may fall outside the normal range for many reasons. Abnormal results might be a sign of a disorder or disease. Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You about Your Blood Test Results. Typical routine blood tests include the complete blood count, also called CBC, to measure your red and white blood cell numbers as well as hemoglobin and other numbers.

Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You about Your Blood Test Results

This test can uncover anemia, infection, and even cancer of the blood. Another common blood test is the basic metabolic panel to check your heart, kidney and liver function by looking at your blood glucose, calcium, and electrolyte levels. And to check for heart disease risk, you may have a lipoprotein panel that measures levels of fats in your blood, like good cholesterol (HDL), bad cholesterol (LDL), and triglycerides. Things you must know if you don’t have a gallbladder – Liver Doctor.

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David Wolfe'€™s Top 10 Tips For Next Level Health. This month The Chalkboard Mag had David Wolfe as their guest editor and got their readers thinking!

David Wolfe'€™s Top 10 Tips For Next Level Health

HYDRATION CALCULATOR How much water should I drink? Online schools for alternative medicine. Liver Fluke – Liver Doctor. Liver disease is serious and requires treatment and regular monitoring by a liver specialist.

Liver Fluke – Liver Doctor

A liver specialist is known as a hepatologist and you need to be referred by your family doctor or general practitioner. Over nearly 40 years of practicing medicine I have seen many patients develop severe liver disease, which sadly could have been prevented by early detection and early referral to a hepatologist. There needs to be more awareness of liver disease so that patients can be treated early so that we can prevent cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer.


Mainstream media silent as CDC documents prove link between autism and vaccination. (NaturalNews) The mainstream media plays a key role in protecting and furthering the interests of powerful corporate entities, including those that make up the pharmaceutical industry, Big Agriculture, Big Oil and other massively profitable business sectors. They do so by over-reporting and fear-mongering, as exemplified by the current Zika virus scare, but they also do the bidding of their corporate masters by under-reporting, ignoring and burying stories that might threaten their profit margins or even put them out of business altogether. Such is the case regarding thimerosal (a vaccine additive which contains as much as 50 percent mercury) and its link to cases of autism in children. The official CDC stance is: "There is no evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site.

" You would probably expect that story to generate some headlines in the news, right? The smoking gun Dr. From Health Advice: RustyWaterFactSheet. DirtyLemon. How/When should I drink [skin+hair]? For best results, drink one bottle daily. There is no strict protocol when drinking [skin+hair] since the active ingredients work at any time; feel free to drink all in one sitting or sip throughout the day. What Should I expect? The [skin+hair] formula features hydrolyzed fish collagen peptides, horsetail (an herb with a high concentration of silica), red clover (a beneficial source of plant phytoestrogen) and cayenne. This blend was carefully selected to improve skin elasticity, hydration and skin density, increase internal collagen production and offer nutrients for optimal hair health.¹

San Francisco Salt Company. Dead Sea Salt Heal The Body - The Healing Bath. Regular use of Dead Sea Bath Salts can effectively manage or improve the following conditions: New Envita Study Explains How Lyme Disease Evades the Immune System, Forms Biofilm. Our medical center, Envita, has just published an important new study which reveals the key complexities that must be addressed to finally overcome Lyme disease. This study explains how chronic Lyme disease ultimately resists most treatments via immune evasion, biofilm formation and constant (surface antigen) shifting. All of these factors often lead to antibiotic resistance and failed medical treatments. Mucus facts, information, pictures. The Oxford Companion to the Body © The Oxford Companion to the Body 2001, originally published by Oxford University Press 2001.

Lungs facts, information, pictures. The Oxford Companion to the Body © The Oxford Companion to the Body 2001, originally published by Oxford University Press 2001. Humours facts, information, pictures. The Oxford Companion to the Body © The Oxford Companion to the Body 2001, originally published by Oxford University Press 2001. humours For over 2000 years Western medicine and culture perceived the body and the mind in humoral terms.

Herbs, minerals & supplements.

Genetics & epigenetics. Mental health. Child Abuse Leaves Mark on Brain. Childhood abuse and maltreatment can shrink important parts of the brain, a new study of adults suggests. Reduced brain volume in parts of the hippocampus could help to explain why childhood problems often lead to later psychiatric disorders, such as depression, drug addiction and other mental health problems, the researchers say. This link could help researchers find better ways to treat survivors of childhood abuse. "These results may provide one explanation for why childhood abuse has been identified with an increased risk for drug abuse or psychosis," study researcher Martin Teicher, of Harvard University, told LiveScience. Level averages across the US. Theimportance.