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Comment récupérer un compte Twitter. Le 9 janvier 2013 — par Maxime Valette — ∞ Voici une technique que j’ai utilisé deux fois pour récupérer les comptes Twitter correspondant aux sites que j’avais développés.

Comment récupérer un compte Twitter

Je préviens tout de suite que vous devez posséder le nom de domaine correspondant au compte, par exemple si vous voulez @MonSuperSite sur Twitter. Hé oui ça serait trop beau sinon. Pré-requis Comme je le disais, vous devez absolument posséder un nom de domaine avec exactement le nom du compte Twitter que vous souhaitez récupérer, sinon vous n’aurez aucune chance d’arriver à bout de la procédure. Créez ensuite un autre compte Twitter que votre compte personnel, en enregistrant ce compte avec une adresse e-mail hébergée sur ce nom de domaine, par exemple Une fois que vous avez fait tout cela, vos chances de réussir sont au plus haut. Le formulaire Rendez-vous sur le formulaire Impersonation du Twitter Help Center. Understanding the difference between Facebook Sponsored Stories, Page Post Ads, Promoted Posts and Marketplace Ads.

As Facebook builds its ads business and gives advertisers more ways to reach different audiences, a new lexicon has emerged.

Understanding the difference between Facebook Sponsored Stories, Page Post Ads, Promoted Posts and Marketplace Ads

The social network has invented terms like Sponsored Stories, Page Post Ads and Promoted Posts, but it doesn’t always explain them or maintain consistent usage over time, especially since the same ads serve different levels of advertisers, who purchase them through varying channels. Here we’ll break down the main categories of Facebook ads that appear in News Feed and the desktop sidebar: Sponsored Stories, Page Post Ads, Promoted Posts and Marketplace Ads. Understand the difference in what the units look like, how they are purchased, who they can be shown to and what goals they achieve. 8 Conseils pour Accélérer votre Site WordPress. La vitesse de chargement de votre site est un critère essentiel pour l’expérience utilisateur de vos visiteurs mais également un point capital en matière de référencement (SEO).

8 Conseils pour Accélérer votre Site WordPress

Google exige des sites rapides parce que ses utilisateurs veulent une navigation fluide. A l’heure où les smartphones se démocratisent, il serait regrettable de perdre des clients à cause d’un site trop lent, inadapté pour des connexions mobiles. Bien que la plupart des conseils délivrés ici soient valables pour l’ensemble des projets Web, l’accent a été mis sur les sites propulsés par la plateforme WordPress. Pour rappel, WordPress est un système de gestion de contenu – Content Management System, qui propulse 16,6% des sites Web dans le monde et presque 50% du top 100 des blogs.

Quelques fondamentaux 80% du temps de chargement d’un site correspond au front-end (images, feuilles de styles, JavaScript, Flash, etc.). 4 Ways to Boost Your Facebook Engagement With Promotions. Do you want to boost your Facebook engagement? Are you wondering if promotions will help? 79% of Facebook fans are more likely to purchase from a brand they have liked, so pursuing more fans and deeper engagement with existing fans is a huge priority!

While there are many core methods for increasing engagement such as creating highly shareable content , posting images and videos and posting succinctly at key times—a powerful method is to run promotions. Promotions have the ability to draw visitors to a Facebook Page , and when used correctly, can be a very valuable tool to accomplish your business’s engagement objectives . Selecting the Right Type of Promotion for Your Page A key question when thinking about running a promotion on a Facebook Page is, “Which type of promotion will work best for my goals?” The answer: It varies. Below you’ll find an outline of 4 types of Facebook Page promotions and keys for selecting the right type to run on your Facebook Page . #1: Sweepstakes Promotion Cons : 44 Must Read Resources on Content Marketing.

The term “content marketing” sounds like a hip buzzword to describe the latest marketing craze, but in reality, the concept has been around since the first newsletters came rolling off the presses.

44 Must Read Resources on Content Marketing

And if there’s one single reason why companies around the world continue to incorporate “content marketing strategies” into their yearly plans – it’s because it has been working for hundreds, if not thousands of years! Let’s go over a short recap as to why content marketing is a good marketing strategy to employ for today’s online audience: Show You’re an Authority on a Subject – When you offer unbiased and valuable information on a given subject matter, you earn trust with people who visit your blog or website.

The following resources below will help anyone learn about why content marketing is important to any business and how to get the most of it. For Beginners For beginners to people looking for primers on content marketing, these links will get you on the right track. 1. Writers block. 14. Revenue From Facebook Offers vs. Promoted Posts [Research] B&H Photo Shows How To Convert Customers Into Fans & Followers. Question: Are you a fan/follower of every business you patronize?

B&H Photo Shows How To Convert Customers Into Fans & Followers

I’m guessing not. Do you follow your local grocery store on Twitter? Have you fanned the local shopping mall on Facebook? Converting customers into social media fans and followers isn’t always easy. I’d say there are six things, at minimum, that you have to do and do well. Converting Customers Into Social Media Fans Check out an email that arrived this week from B&H Photo & Video: (click for larger version) I think this is a really good example of how to convert customers into fans or followers on social media sites. 1.)

I love that the whole point of this email was to make me aware of the company’s social media outposts. 2.) For each social media site they list, B&H begins by telling me what benefits I can expect by making the connection. 3.) Show me.