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Cynthia Jabar on Instagram: “Weekend #mindfulness 2014-03-14_04.06.16_1.jpegwith family #making #story + playing with #lettering #illustration #doodle Join in! #nyc” Penguinteen: Updated post! We’ve added events... | Transmedia 4 Kids. IP is the Wealth of the Shift Age | Evolution Shift - David Houle, Futurist, Disintermediation, Future Trends, Future of Energy. [Note: A version of this column recently appeared in the Shift Age Newsletter. Please feel free to sign up for a free subscription.] I have been writing and speaking that IP is the wealth of the Shift Age for the last six years. And over the last six years, this reality has become ever more apparent. Recent headlines make this crystal clear.

In the Agricultural Age, those who owned the land created wealth. Nine times I have spoken of this and have had a CEO or business owner tell me they had recently sold their company for more money than they had ever thought possible based on multiples of revenue or profit. IP now represents more than 80% of the market cap of the S&P 500 in the United States. One of the recent examples of this is the Microsoft-AOL transaction. What is interesting is to look at the motivation of Microsoft. If one thinks about the businesses and revenue streams of the mobile business, Microsoft is behind in all the traditional categories. Welcome to the Shift Age! Our 7 Tenets of Future Storyworlds – Transmedia Storyteller | Transmedia 4 Kids. Shared Story Worlds Design Primer | Transmedia 4 Kids. Best Free Podcasts.

Why digital photographs won't be around forever | Technology | The Observer. Is this the best way to hang on to memories? The text with this Dear Photograph image reads: 'I fell in love with a woman. I'm not ready to let go… but she is'. Photograph: 'Speechless. Tears. Here's another. A third picture shows a crumpled snapshot of a woman, dressed in a 1940s outfit, walking along a street. Another shows two kids dressed in clown outfits. Not all of the photographs are about loss of a loved one. Dear Photograph is a remarkable demonstration of the power of ordinary, humdrum photographs to evoke memories. But Dear Photograph is also a stark reminder of how threatened this power of photography has become. There's nothing new in this, of course. The other sobering thought triggered by Dear Photograph is that the site is only possible because of the relative permanence of analogue photography. What Comic Book Creators Can Learn From Steve Jobs.

OnFiction. The new novel by Cary Fagan, A Bird’s Eye (2013) is a genre-bender. It is not a short story. It is a story bound between two covers and is called “a novel” on the front. Here are some contextualizing numbers. Animal Farm is 29,966 words long; The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is 70,570; and Middlemarch is 310,593. Before reading it, I remembered a question that Keith Oatley had asked a few years ago in a post entitled “Love and Character”: “Does a piece of fiction need to be as long as a novel or a television series for a fictional character to become real, to be really loved?”

So, even though I had read plenty of short stories that I had found immensely moving and substantial, I suspected that I might be embarking here on an adventure that would feel choppy, perhaps inconsistent, self-conscious, and trivial. The main character is a half-Polish, half-Italian boy named Benjamin Kleeman, who lives in downtown Toronto, and narrates his life as a 14-year-old in 1938.

Fagan, Cary. (2013). WhatWasThere - Put history in its place! I H H - it happened HERE. Your World. More Interesting. Apps Bring Past, Present and Future Into Focus. Storyworld/Made in Me.