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Robot Projects

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ZURI 01 | ZOOBOTICS. Work: idea, concept, design, construction and prototype. Description: ZURI is a programmable robot made from paper and grey cardboard. This motion machine, conceived of as a kit, can be assembled with a few tools (cutter, ruler, cutting mat, bone folder, glue and screwdriver). In addition to a distance sensor, the Paper Robot has servo motors, servo controllers and a Bluetooth module for wireless control via PC or smartphone. ZURI is a modular robotic system. The ZURI-PAPERBOT-SYSTEM combines disciplines such as modeling, the use of electronics and programming. Status: Zuri is a prototype. Open ROV - Open-Source-Tauchroboter. RoboEarth. New stretchable solar cells will power artificial electronic 'super skin' Photos by L.A. Cicero The foundation for the artificial skin is a flexible organic transistor, made with flexible polymers and carbon-based materials.

"Super skin" is what Stanford researcher Zhenan Bao wants to create. She's already developed a flexible sensor that is so sensitive to pressure it can feel a fly touch down. Now she's working to add the ability to detect chemicals and sense various kinds of biological molecules. She's also making the skin self-powering, using polymer solar cells to generate electricity. And the new solar cells are not just flexible, but stretchable – they can be stretched up to 30 percent beyond their original length and snap back without any damage or loss of power. Super skin, indeed. "With artificial skin, we can basically incorporate any function we desire," said Bao, a professor of chemical engineering.

The foundation for the artificial skin is a flexible organic transistor, made with flexible polymers and carbon-based materials. Media Contact.

Synapticon SOMANET

Elektronik - Projekte Live Webcam - Steuerung mit Server AVR Servo Relais. Company. Self-organizing Systems Research Group. A Low Cost Scalable Robot System for Demonstrating Collective Behaviors Purchase some from K-Team: K-Team Corp is making Kilobots available for purchase, starting now! See the K-Team Flier and K-Team homepage. K-team sells groups of robots, controllers, and charging stations - picture on the right is courtesy of Sabine Hauert, MIT. Several groups are starting to use kilobots, to test different distributed algorithms. The Kilobots have simple capabilities and costs (10 Kilobots ~ 1 E-puck) aimed at enabling swarm and distributed robotics research. Contact K-team to purchase your own swarm! Build some yourself: If you would like to build your own Kilobots, all the software and hardware details are available under a Creative Commons attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license.

Programming Kilobots: What can Kilobots do: Kilobot: A Low Cost Scalable Robot System for Collective Behaviors Michael Rubenstein, Christian Ahler, Radhika Nagpal IEEE Intl. DIY Drones. Drohne: Quadcopter schwärmen in Formation. Im Formationsflug ausgeschwärmt - Robotiker am General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception Laboratory (Grasp Lab) der Universität von Pennsylvania in Philadelphia haben Drohnen das geordnete Fliegen in der Gruppe beigebracht.

Die Drohnen fliegen zu zweit, aber auch in einer Formation von bis zu 20 Quadcoptern. Die Gruppe kann eine Formation in einer Ebene einnehmen. Die Drohnen können aber auch in dreidimensionale Figuren ausschwärmen, etwa in Form einer Pyramide. Durchs Fenster schwärmen Der Schwarm ist auch in der Lage, mit Hindernissen umzugehen: Die Wissenschaftler haben 16 der Flugroboter in einer kreuzförmigen Formation antreten lassen. Diese soll dann durch ein Fenster fliegen. Schließlich haben sie die Quadcopter, auch Quadrotoren genannt, die Figur einer 8 fliegen lassen.

Agile Flugroboter Die Drohnen, sogenannte Nano-Quadrotoren, stammen vom Hersteller KMEL Robotics. Die Grasp-Forscher arbeiten schon seit längerem mit autonomen Hubschraubern. Quadrotor Autonomous Flight and Obstacle Avoidance with Kinect Sensor‬‏ Home | NooTriX. Meet the Amazing Robots That Will Compete in the DARPA Robotics Challenge.

Wow. I mean, seriously, wow. We've been incredibly excited to see the progress that Boston Dynamics has been making on ATLAS in preparation for the DARPA Robotics Challenge, but we had no idea what to expect from the challenge's Track A teams, each of whom will be designing and building their own robot with capabilities comparable to what we've seen ATLAS do. Today, October 24, is opening day for the DARPA Robotics Challenge, or DRC. The press release sums it up nicely: "over the next two years, teams will compete to develop and put to the test hardware and software designed to enable robots to assist humans in emergency response when a disaster strikes.

" The first half of this is the hardware: DARPA is promising that an "advanced variation" of ATLAS (which is what the above picture is showing) will be ready to go by June of 2013, and will be provided to the advancing Track B and C teams (see our previous post on the DRC for more details on the tracks). Drexel University Raytheon. Daedalus Projects. Astromech-ros | Download astromech-ros software for free. Luftbildfotografie | Startseite | Ascending Technologies. Building a Low-Cost, DIY surveillance quadrotor‬‏ | RobotBox. Personal Robotics: Projects.

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