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NetcatCheatSheet - netcat_cheat_sheet_v1.pdf. How To Check and Use Serial Ports Under Linux. C Socket Programming for Linux with a Server and Client Example Code. Typically two processes communicate with each other on a single system through one of the following inter process communication techniques.

C Socket Programming for Linux with a Server and Client Example Code

PipesMessage queuesShared memory There are several other methods. But the above are some of the very classic ways of interprocess communication. But have you ever given a thought over how two processes communicate across a network? For example, when you browse a website, on your local system the process running is your web browser, while on the remote system the process running is the web server. Shell Scripts sh. Cher's Blog: A few Makefile + bash tricks. In a lot of projects, I use GNUMake.

Cher's Blog: A few Makefile + bash tricks

Here are a few tricks which I regularly use in them. Shell Control The standard shell for make is /bin/sh on UNIX and / cmd.exe on Windows. I want it to be bash. I want bash to exit immediately on errors.

Linux Embedded Stuff

Best Linux graphics software for artists, by the Linux Information Project. Linux is an excellent operating system for use by artists because (1) there are many high quality (and continuously improving) art programs available, (2) most of these programs, as well as Linux itself, can be downloaded for free (which is good news for the many artists who operate on limited budgets) and (3) most of these programs, including Linux itself, are highly configurable (which is important to artists because they tend to be creative people who crave the ability to modify and improve their software and other tools).

Best Linux graphics software for artists, by the Linux Information Project

Below are brief descriptions (including approximate download size and license type) of some of the best art programs for Linux.

Linux System Programming

Suchen nach Inhalt in einer Datei unter Linux. The Linux Alternative Project. Gnu - Automake - General - How to install doxygen-generated HTML documentation? New Maintainers' Guide - Getting started The Right Way. This document tries to describe the building of a Debian package to ordinary Debian users and prospective developers.

New Maintainers' Guide - Getting started The Right Way

It uses fairly non-technical language, and it's well covered with working examples. There is an old Latin saying: Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla (It's a long way by the rules, but short and efficient with examples). This document has been updated for the Debian squeeze release. One of the things that makes Debian such a top-notch distribution is its package system.

While there is a vast quantity of software already in the Debian format, sometimes you need to install software that isn't. One thing is certain, though: to properly create and maintain Debian packages takes many hours. If you need some help on packaging, please read Section 1.4, “Where to ask for help”. Newer versions of this document should always be available online at and in the maint-guide package. Debian Binary Package Building HOWTO.


Debian Binary Package Building HOWTO

Clemens Lee 2002-11-30, $Date: 2005/08/09 20:49:46 $ This mini-HOWTO shows how to build a minimal Debian .deb package. The intended use of such a newly created archive is to install it only on your own box, not to get them into the official Debian distribution. To follow the 'official' process, please study the Debian New Maintainers' Guide. Normal Debian packages get a proper source package, including a debian/rules file which automates the steps involved in creating the binary package.

Mount (Unix) Before a user can access a file on a Unix-like machine, the file system that contains it needs to be mounted with the mount command.

mount (Unix)

Frequently mount is used for SD card, USB storage, DVD and other removable storage devices. The mount command instructs the operating system that a file system is ready to use, and associates it with a particular point in the overall file system hierarchy (its mount point) and sets options relating to its access. Mounting makes file systems, files, directories, devices and special files available for use and available to the user. Its counterpart umount instructs the operating system that the file system should be disassociated from its mount point, making it no longer accessible and may be removed from the computer. It is important to umount a device before removing it since changes to files may have only partially been written and are completed as part of the umount. The mount and umount commands require root user privilege to effect changes. How to make deb packages. Debian ranks as the fourth most-used distribution for embedded development, according to's annual Embedded Linux Market Survey, with a rising rate of adoption.

Developers wishing to distribute software binaries and source for use with Debian systems will want to learn the basics of... Building C/C++ libraries with Automake and Autoconf. GNU Autoconf, Automake und Libtool - Für ein kleines Projekt ist ein Buildsystem mit wenig Aufwand möglich.

GNU Autoconf, Automake und Libtool -

Grundlage ist ein und ein oder mehrere Ich handhabe es so, dass ein Modul in einem Unterverzeichnis landet und ein eigenes bekommt. Die restlichen Dateien werden alle aus diesen Dateien generiert. Darum müssen sie nicht unbedingt im CVS landen. Wenn ein Entwickler keine oder alter Versionen von autoconf und automake hat oder Anwender auf das CVS zugreifen, dann sollten die Dateien trotzden dort aufgenommen werden.

Source Nehmen wir an unser Projekt enthält folgende Dateien: Code: Bongos - a New Social Desktop KDE. Bongos is a new Social Desktop being developed, currently, by a small team.

Bongos - a New Social Desktop KDE

I\\\'m the Chief Designer tasked with developing the GUI and general artwork that will be shipped along with Bongos. The aim of Bongos is take all of your favourite social web activities - your twitter, facebook, myspace, indentica, flickr and so on - and integrate them into your desktop. How Software Producers Can Distribute Their Products Directly in DEB Format. How Software Producers Can Distribute Their Products Directly in DEB Format Abstract This document explains how software producers can integrate their products — open or closed source — with Debian.

How Software Producers Can Distribute Their Products Directly in DEB Format

This document is intended as a starting point to explain how software producers can integrate their products with Debian, what different situations can arise depending on the license of the products and the choices of the producers, and what possibilities there are. It does not explain how to create packages, but it links to documents which do exactly that. Speech.