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Facebook Twitter LaTeX Cookbook. Headers and Footers in LaTeX using fancyhdr « There are a number of ways to change the document header and footer styles in LaTeX.

Headers and Footers in LaTeX using fancyhdr «

One of the easiest and most flexible options is to use the fancyhdr package. fancyhdr is a massive package with a crazy number of tweaks and modifications available for your document’s header and footer styles. This tutorial will only brush over the basic capabilities of the package, describing the most common styling choices. We tell LaTeX to use fancyhdr by adding the following to the preamble (the top of the document before the \begin{document} call): \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} fancyhdr allows the content of the left, middle and right parts of both the header and footer to be changed.

To clear the header and footer contents, add \fancyhf{} to the preamble below the pagestyle line. \lhead{left header content} \chead{middle header content} \rhead{right header content} \lfoot{left footer content} \cfoot{middle footer content} \rfoot{right footer content} \documentclass{article} Texmaker (free cross-platform latex editor) Information for Authors. Convert PNG/JPEG (Raster) to EPS/PDF (Vector) Format. LNCS Authors & Editors Journals, Academic Books & Online Media. LaTeX Tips: Top Ten Tips for Bibliographies. How to add a URL to a LaTeX bibtex file? - TeX - LaTeX. LaTeX Commands and HTML Entities for Mathematical Symbols and Non-English Characters.

Research tips - Controlling figure and table placement in LaTeX. It can be frus­trat­ing try­ing to get your fig­ures and tables to appear where you want them in a LaTeX doc­u­ment.

Research tips - Controlling figure and table placement in LaTeX

Some­times, they just seem to float off onto another page of their own accord. Here is a col­lec­tion of tools and ideas that help you get con­trol of those pesky floats. Use the place­ment options: h, t, b and p. For example causes LaTeX to try to fit the float “here”, or at the “top” of the cur­rent page (or the next page), or at the “bot­tom” of the cur­rent page (or the next page). One of the rea­sons that the floats won’t go where you want them is that there are a lot of con­straints on where they can go. Topnumber max­i­mum num­ber of floats at top of page bottomnumber. LaTeX Table Spacing and Caption Control. A Beginner's Guide to LaTeX - Lists. There are three basic types of list in LaTeX, each with its own environment: Ordered Lists These lists are created using the enumerate environment.

A Beginner's Guide to LaTeX - Lists

Inside this ordered list environment each listed item is specified with \item. Each item in an ordered list is numbered, e.g. try: \begin{enumerate} \item Find plans. Unordered Lists These lists are created using the itemize environment, but aside from using the same symbol for each item it is pretty much the same as the enumerate environment. Description Lists. Writing algorithms in latex. There're a number of ways in which algorithms can be written in a latex article.

Writing algorithms in latex

Option 1One way is to use the \verb command. That would give a type written look to the algorithm. May be OK to use that for small code snippets. But it is very inflexible. In total, it's not advised to use this method. Option 2Use listings package. However, listings appears more appropriate only for inserting code snippets, and not algorithms. Option 3To write proper algorithms, one should use one or more of the above. 6.2 Downloading and Installing Packages. Subversion Cheat Sheet. This Subversion cheat sheet was created during the initial setup of Subversion on Apache 2.0 on Windows and Mac OS X.

Subversion Cheat Sheet

A detailed tutorial covering most of the features of Subversion can be found in the online Subversion book. Author's Guide to Preparing ACM SIG Proceedings. Author's Guide to Preparing ACM SIG Proceedings Using LaTEX2e and BibTEX Overview of this Document 1.

Author's Guide to Preparing ACM SIG Proceedings

Getting Started. How To Set Up An SVN Repository In 7 Simple Steps. Update: We’ve been using (and recommend) git for version control since around 2011.

How To Set Up An SVN Repository In 7 Simple Steps

We leave this post available because it seems popular. For some time now, I’ve wanted to have an svn set up on my shared web host similar to what we have here at civicactions. Having to make changes on my local machine for any personal (non-civicactions client) sites, then scp those files up to my server is ridiculous — especially since when working on client sites, I’ve become so used to simply commiting the changes to a repository and then updating that repository on the server side. All that said though, I kept putting off the svn set up because as a simple drupal and civicrm developer, I was afraid that a system admin task like setting up svn would be too involved and maybe a bit over my head. Turns out, I should’ve done it months ago. Step 1. Tables - Getting to grips with LaTeX. By Andrew Roberts In academic writing, tables are a common feature, often for summarising results from research.

Tables - Getting to grips with LaTeX

It is therefore a skill that needs mastering in order to produce good quality papers. However, if there is one area about Latex that I feel is the least intuitive, then I am afraid that this is it. Basic tables are not too taxing, but you will quickly notice that anything more advanced can take a fair bit of construction. So, we will start slowly and build up from there. The Tabular environment. How to write algorithm and pseudocode in Latex ?\usepackage{algorithm},\usepackage{algorithmic} - Latex - FAQ.