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Infografik: OnPage SEO - Webseiten Optimierung. Helfen Sie Google und anderen Suchmaschinen dabei, Ihre Webseite richtig zu verstehen. Die nachfolgende OnPage-SEO Infografik veranschaulicht Ihnen die einzelnen Schritte und Elemente, die es bei der OnPage-Optimierung zu beachten gilt. Die Infografik steht in einer web-optimierten Version mit 1000 × 1814 Pixel (RGB) sowie einer hochauflösenden (druckfähigen) Version mit 3000 × 5442 Pixel (CMYK) zur Verfügung. Die hochauflösende Version der Infografik darf ohne mein Einverständnis weder direkt verlinkt noch weiter verbreitet werden!

OnPage SEO für Einsteiger. Hochauflösende Version der Infografik: 3000 × 5442 Pixel Teilen macht Freude! 5 SEO Strategies That Will Still Work in 2015 | SEW. Thanks, Google! Its algorithm updates continued unabated in 2014, leading to panic among some search marketers and dread among many more. Now that Google has been on a mission to reduce the visibility of low-value pages, especially those that are over-optimized for keywords, does it seem like there are hardly any optimization techniques left that won't get you dinged?

There are, in fact, some strategies that will still work in 2015. Here's how to stay BFFs with the algorithm: 1. Widen the Net for Hummingbird-Friendly Keywords Hummingbird brought a change in the way Google parses queries. Keywords still are important, but now you should look for larger buckets of niche-specific word combinations. Next, classify these phrases into three categories: informational, navigational, and transactional. 2. Websites that have a streamlined URL structure often are ranked higher than websites with messy structures and confusing content organization. 3. 4. 5. But there are costs. Conclusion. SEO Silos - how to build a website silo architecture. Search engines award top keyword rankings to the site that proves that it the best fit for the relevancy of a subject or theme that matches the user query.

As a result the primary goal of SEO is to improve the website so that the site is about more than targeted keyword phrases – it is about the themes matching those keywords. More often than not, a website is a disjointed array of unrelated information with no clear central theme. Such a site suffers in search engine rankings for sought after keywords. Siloing a website will serve to clarify your website's subject relevance and will lay the groundwork for high keyword rankings.

The term siloing originated as a way to identify the concept of grouping related information into distinct sections within a website. Introductory Overview Siloing of a website requires a multi-step process of planning and implementation. Step 1: Begin the process of siloing by determining your website theme. Determining Website Theme Figure 1: Jar of Mixed Marbles. More than Keywords: 7 Concepts of Advanced On-Page SEO. "What is this page about?

" As marketers, helping search engines answer that basic question is one of our most important tasks. Search engines can't read pages like humans can, so we incorporate structure and clues as to what our content means. This helps provide the relevance element of search engine optimization that matches queries to useful results. Understanding the techniques used to capture this meaning helps to provide better signals as to what our content relates to, and ultimately helps it to rank higher in search results. This post explores a series of on-page techniques that not only build upon one another, but can be combined in sophisticated ways. While Google doesn't reveal the exact details of its algorithm, over the years we've collected evidence from interviews, research papers, US patent filings and observations from hundreds of search marketers to be able to explore these processes.

We'll start with the simple, and move to the more advanced. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Welcome to Forbes. Quality Content Essential for SEO Success [Study] | SEW. The majority of online purchases begin with organic search, so to help determine how SEOs can capture as much search share as possible, Conductor's new research report includes objectives for 2015 as well as tactics that enterprise digital marketers are not all addressing, but should be.

What tops that list as the most effective SEO strategy? Creating quality content. All of the individuals surveyed work for companies with more than 1,000 employees. There is a combination of B2B and B2C organizations included in this study. Top SEO Objectives for 2015 In order to determine which digital marketing tactics make the most sense to deploy, it is important that we understand what the objectives are for the coming year. The respondents were then asked to rate the current success of their SEO strategy in order to set a baseline for how they would meet 2015 objectives. What Is Hindering Success? We now know that 28 percent of respondents do not believe that their SEO is successful.