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TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing. Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas, Monografias, y Trabajos de Investigación Personalizados - 30 Surprising (And Controversial) Ways Students Learn. Have you checked your assumptions about student learning at the door? People in general, hold onto beliefs that are shaped by early experiences, the media, and faulty influences. The following list is a compilation of research that may surprise you. Video games, e-books, playtime, and music are all a part of an educator’s repertoire.

Read on, and be prepared to put your traditional beliefs aside as science points to innovative methods that indicate future success. 1. Playing scary and violent video games help children master their fears in real life. Until recently, studies done with regards to children and video games usually centered on the negative impacts and consequences of prolonged use. She recognized several social motivations for playing video games including competition, a reason to hang out and casually converse with friends, and teaching peers how to play a game. 2. 3. 4. Patrick S. 5. Kids who garden show a better ability to concentrate. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Neuroeducación: estrategias basadas en el funcionamiento del cerebro « Escuela con cerebro. La información que tenemos sobre el cerebro humano, órgano responsable del aprendizaje, se ha visto claramente incrementada debido al desarrollo de las nuevas técnicas de visualización cerebral.

Como consecuencia de estas investigaciones recientes, aparece una nueva disciplina en la que confluyen los conocimientos generados por la neurociencia, la educación y la psicología que nos pueden aportar información significativa sobre el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. La neuroeducación consiste en aprovechar los conocimientos sobre el funcionamiento cerebral para enseñar y aprender mejor. En el siguiente artículo mostramos ocho estrategias fundamentales basadas en el funcionamiento del cerebro que tienen un soporte experimental definido y que resultan imprescindibles en la práctica educativa. En cada una de ellas hemos seleccionado un artículo de investigación relevante que constituye una evidencia empírica sólida y aportamos una serie de sugerencias prácticas fáciles de aplicar.

La prueba. Educational Psychology. CAST: Center for Applied Special Technology. 10 Predictions for Personalized Learning for 2013. The main change that will happen in teaching and learning in 2013 will be about empowerment. Teachers and learners will be more empowered to take charge of their learning. We will see this through the evidence they share as they learn. Connected Learners: Teachers and learners of all ages are connecting more than ever. In 2013, we will see teachers expanding their Personal Learning Networks (PLN) using social media. Evidence of Learning: Assessment will look different in 2013. PLE, conectivismo y el aprendizaje informal | Escuela 2.0. ¿Cómo hemos llegado hasta aquí? El conocimiento siempre ha existido fuera del aula, pero hoy con las nuevas tecnologías, internet, la web 2.0 y las redes sociales esto se hace más evidente.

Hemos pasado de una forma solida del conocimiento caracterizada por el saber contenido en los libros, las aulas, los docentes, a una líquida en la cual el aprendiz puede moldear según el contexto y las circunstancias a las que se enfrenta dicho conocimiento, el cual ahora tenemos en forma de audio, videos, textos digitales, entre otros.

El impacto de las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación) en nuestro entorno social es innegable, como innegable es el aumento de la socialización que estas permiten y en particular las redes sociales que generan el intercambio de ideas que aceleran de manera considerable el desarrollo de todas las áreas del conocimiento. Esta generalización del uso de las tecnologías a impactado en el aumento de la capacidad de utilizar la inteligencia colectiva. How Deloitte Made Learning a Game - Jeanne C. Meister. “Training is a funny thing,” James Sanders, Manager of Innovation at Deloitte Consulting, told me recently. “No matter how easy you make it to access, or how brilliant the learning programs are, training is simply not the first thing people think of doing when they have some free time.

Let’s face it, for most people, on a typical Sunday morning, if given the choice between ‘Am I gonna watch ESPN, or am I gonna do some training?’ Training will not win out.” And yet, by using gamification principles, Deloitte has seen use of its Deloitte Leadership Academy (DLA) training program increase. Participants, who are spending increased amounts of time on the site and completing programs in increasing numbers, show almost addictive behavior. Since the integration of gamification in to Deloitte Leadership Academy, there has been a 37 percent increase in the number of users returning to the site each week. Deloitte is well on its way to staying ahead of the trend. What are your business goals? Knowmads. Self-regulated learning.

Self-regulated learning (SRL) is learning that is guided by metacognition (thinking about one's thinking), strategic action (planning, monitoring, and evaluating personal progress against a standard), and motivation to learn.[1][full citation needed] "Self-regulated" describes a process of taking control of and evaluating one's own learning and behavior.[2] Self-regulated learning emphasizes autonomy and control by the individual who monitors, directs, and regulates actions toward goals of information acquisition, expanding expertise, and self-improvement” (Paris and Paris 2001).

In particular, self-regulated learners are cognizant of their academic strengths and weaknesses, and they have a repertoire of strategies they appropriately apply to tackle the day-to-day challenges of academic tasks. Self regulated learners are successful because they control their learning environment. They exert this control by directing and regulating their own actions toward their learning goals. Ethiopian Children Handed Free Tablet Computers to Teach Themselves. The path to Wenchi leads along the rim of an extinct volcano.

It winds through banana plantations and brier patches, with wild marjoram growing rampant along the edge. There is a crater lake below, and beyond it lies the Great Rift Valley, also known as the cradle of humanity. The ancestors of Homo sapiens lived in the valley a million years ago. Gazing across the plateau, with its green, gently rolling hills, it looks as if everything is as it has always been, before the modern age came to the village. It takes an hour to hike to the village of Wenchi on Wenchi Lake, 3,400 meters (11,152 feet) above sea level. The first time American Matt Keller stood on the crater rim, between the lake and the valley, looking down at Wenchi, he could hardly believe his eyes. But Keller has felt a little closer to the people of Wenchi since the end of October, when floodwaters inundated Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he lives.

The children are barefoot. But with Abebech it's a different story. Knowmad Society - About. Why (And How) You Should Create A Personal Learning Network. What Is A PLN? Through the use of my own Personal Learning Network (PLN) , I came across several great examples that both define what a PLN is, and explain the value of creating one for yourself. According to a wikispace about creating PLNs, “Personal Learning Networks are systems that help learners take control of and manage their own learning. This includes providing support for learners to: 1) set their own learning goals 2) manage their learning; managing both content and process 3) communicate with others in the process of learning and thereby achieve learning goals Simply put: A PLN is a system for lifelong learning. ” Why Start Your PLN Now?

Teachers in our district, especially freshmen teachers, have a ton on their plates this year. Here are some ways that educators are using their PLNs: 10 Easy Ways to Kick Start Your Personal Learning Network Social Networking – Keeping up with personal, more social contacts like friends, family, and former students (Facebook, Google+) Resources. The Future of Learning, Networked Society - Ericsson.