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Comic Death Camp. First prev random next latest Well, that was short and depressing. But hey, the Moon! Let’s talk about that. Here are a few interesting factoids about our largest, most cherished, lifeless satellite: -The moon and the sun are actually two entirely distinct astronomical entities! -James Benson Irwin, lunar module pilot for Apollo 15, beat his family dog to death with an actual moon rock because he wouldn’t stop howling at the moon!

What a world we live in! -The man in the moon’s name is Grover Berringer! -Despite 2009’s discovery of evidence of water on the moon, some scientists believe that it could still be bullshit. -Everyone that worked with Tom Hanks on Apollo 13 says he was just a complete dickhead. -"Dancing in the Moonlight" by King Harvest is the single greatest fucking song ever. -The word "Moon" is derived from ancient Roman mythology or something. Mr. Lovenstein | Left and Right Comic #31. Comics and Cartoons by Ryan Hudson - More afraid of us. Diesel sweeties : robot webcomic and geeky music t-shirts. Brainless Tales. A webcomic by Dan Long at EQComics. Last Place Comics - A Web Comic Infused with Snark, Sarcasm, and Unicorns!

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