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Dimensions of particle physics. Cambridge University GA Research Group. Welcome to the Cambridge University Geometric Algebra Research Group home page.

Cambridge University GA Research Group

Our group works on applications of geometric algebra in physics, computer science and engineering. Geometric Algebra for Physicists was published by Cambridge University Press in 2003. Click here for more details. Anthony Lasenby gave the keynote address at the SIGGRAPH 2003 conference in San Diego this summer. Material from his lecture is contained here. A convergence of ideas from conformal models of de Sitter space and inflation generates a new, highly restrictive class of models for the early universe. A study of the Dirac equation in a black hole background produces the first calculations of the bound state spectrum. Conformal geometric algebra provides simple algorithms for blending between circles. 什麼都談 什麼都不奇怪 20 Alien Types - II.

什麼都談 什麼都不奇怪 20 Alien Types - II 之前曾POST過有關外星人種類(Alien Types)的文章,現在要把他們1百多種的資料不定時POST出。

什麼都談 什麼都不奇怪 20 Alien Types - II

並不是所有外星人(生物)都是好的,善良的。 用好(+10)~壞(-10)來評論他們(這也是參考值) (2013/09/23 資料更新) (裡面外星人(生物)的資料是由國外資料所翻譯過來的,本人不對內容真假及立場負責及支持) 之前有關外星人的文章: 文章1 ,文章2 1. (宇莫星人外貌圖) (Wolf 424 是雙(恆)星系統) The Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports. Tesla Secret.pdf. 为了更多人的觉醒! Stephen Hawking - State of the Universe. Home. [1111.3328] The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically. 10 Strange Things About The Universe. Space The universe can be a very strange place.

10 Strange Things About The Universe

While groundbreaking ideas such as quantum theory, relativity and even the Earth going around the Sun might be commonly accepted now, science still continues to show that the universe contains things you might find it difficult to believe, and even more difficult to get your head around. Theoretically, the lowest temperature that can be achieved is absolute zero, exactly ? 273.15°C, where the motion of all particles stops completely. However, you can never actually cool something to this temperature because, in quantum mechanics, every particle has a minimum energy, called “zero-point energy,” which you cannot get below. One of the properties of a negative-energy vacuum is that light actually travels faster in it than it does in a normal vacuum, something that may one day allow people to travel faster than the speed of light in a kind of negative-energy vacuum bubble.

Relativity of Simultaneity Antimatter Retrocausality.