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Free_spirit_by_sepraven-d3hmex1.jpg from Signs of the Zodiac on the Behance Network. Drawing Typography by Eika Dopludo :: - Visual Arts Magazin... “Life in Alphabet”, and “In Love” are two pretty amazing projects of representing type using organic inspirations. The author is Eika Dopludo illustrator and artist from Russian. > Life in the Alphabet The idea of the project is to represent a letter in a natural form and appearance. Like something alive has turned into a letter and stood still. In some letters it’s possible to find symbolism, others are just an abstract form. In the alphabet you can find only one human – a woman in space. I am in Love. Norman Bird Sanctuary | How to Draw a Bird.

How To Draw A Bird. 5 Steps to Better Bird Drawing | Drawing The Motmot. If you want to take your birding experience to another level (as if simply identifying fall warblers or 4-year gulls at a city dump weren’t challenging enough), try drawing them. Why not just take a photo and move on, you ask? Digiscoping is the fabulous, hot new thing, and I heartily and enviously applaud everyone who’s taken this up, hoping they will teach me how sometime soon. But there are a few good reasons to go low-tech here, and I covered some of them in an earlier post. One reason I put down the camera and picked up the sketchbook was simply practical: I was chasing birds in tropical, wet, dense, dark habitats with bad light and uncooperative subjects.

I had a Nikon FM2 manual with a 500mm mirror lens mounted on a monopod, which doubled as a walking stick on muddy trails. With a lot of practice, I managed to get some fairly bad pictures. 1) Establish Familiarity. 2) Learn Some Basic Anatomy. 3) Practice Short-term Memory Storage and Retrieval. 4) Draw An Egg. 5) Work Fast. 7 Tutorials on How to Draw the Human Anatomy / Body / Figure | Drawn in Black.

39 Comments | July 1, 2008 Here are 7 tutorials I’ve found on the net, some better than others. If you know if any other good ones, please share in the comments! “Figure Drawing for All It’s Worth” by Andrew Loomis (PDF, 24MB) One of the quintessential books by Hogarth on drawing the human figure: a must have! Big Guide to Drawing the Body by Cedarseed on deviantArt Character Drawing by Tracy Butler The Human Body by J. Human Proportions by Don Jusko Many more Youtube videos by Riven Phoenix Human Anatomy by Rey Bustos.

The Moleskine: One Page at a Time. Pool. 75-exceptional-moleskine-notebook-artworks from Moleskine notebooks are a favorite among many artists, designers and writers. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and with many different kinds of paper. The elastic closure and pocket in the back of each one adds to their utility. The popularity of Moleskines among the art community ensures that there are thousands of great examples of Moleskine art out there. Flickr alone has a huge pool of Moleskine artists. Below are 75 fantastic Moleskine artworks, all collected from Flickr. Fine Art and Illustration A lot of traditional artists opt for Moleskines, due to their variety of paper types and their durability.

Moleskine 2 by Andy Gosling: A heart and the letter “A”, created from interwoven arteries. Moleskine book 5, page 72 by Steve Loya. Moleskine Sketches by Jimbradshaw. Moleskine book 1, pages 61 and 62 by Steve Loya. Moleskine “A cat in my head” by Framboisine Berry. Moleskine Sketches by Jimbradshaw. Moleskine book 6, page 55 by Steve Loya. Art Journal Yoga by Macchick1.