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iPad web dev

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iPad Orientation CSS (Revised) - desideratum. iPhone and iPad Development GUI Kits, Stencils and Icons | Speckyboy Design Magazine. Apple don’t have any comprehensive pre-built GUI resources for app development, making it very hard to match the uniformed style of the iPhone or the iPad. You will need to create your own. To help streamline your iPhone app design and development, we have put together a fairly comprehensive collection of iPhone & iPad GUI kits that will allow you to focus on developing rather than having to design everything from scratch.

Within this post you will find complete GUI kits and stencils, iPhone GUI elements and PSDs and finally a collection of the best icon-sets perfectly suited for the iPhone. (Some of the preview images are intentionally to large to show the as much of each GUI as possible). iPhone PSD Vector Kit This iPhone PSD Vector set, from Smashing Magazine and designed by Renee Rist, comes with several button elements as well as six different iPhone interface options. iPhone PSD Vector Kit » iPhone GUI PSD Design Template iPhone GUI PSD Design Template » This iPhone Yahoo! This. 11 UI Kits for iPhone and iPad Development. Last week we posted a collection of printable wireframing templates which included some for iPhone and iPad app design. These are great for communicating early mockups and ideas, but when it’s time for those ideas to make the jump from paper to the computer screen, it’s helpful to have a library of UI elements at your disposal.

Since we love saving you time, we’ve found some for you. Here are 11 UI Kits for iPhone and iPad Development. iPad GUI Kit in PSD Format iPhone GUI PSD 3.0 Free iPhone Toolbar Icons Ultimate iPhone Stencil for Omnigraffle iPhone UI Vector Elements Free iPhone Toolbar Icons Yahoo! iPad GUI PSD iPad Vector GUI Elements iPad Stencil for Omnigraffle iPhone PSD Vector Kit About the Author Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. Related Posts 468 shares 8 Essential iPad Apps for Bloggers Before I begin, let me just say what this list is, and what it isn’t. Read More 930 shares 30 Inspiring iPad App Websites. Designing Web Apps for the iPad. What’s stopping you from creating a functional app/website for the iPad? My answer was the Objective-C coding language, time constraints and having to deal with the infamous Apple App Store. But if you’re a web designer, like me, and you think that designing for the iPad is outside the realm of possibility — think again.

Love it or hate it, the iPad is an incredible medium. There is no denying that the touch form factor will have an incredible impact on how designers approach user interaction. So get ahead of the game and start experimenting with iPad web apps now. In this article, I will guide you through my creative process in which I developed a simple but useful iPad web app in just one weekend: I do not consider myself a professional iPad app developer, so if you feel a little apprehensive, let my experience be an inspiration to you.

Why Did I Create a Web App for the iPad? I created a web-based iPad app mainly for my own personal use. Start with a Functional Goal. Making an iPad HTML5 App. June 4th, 2010 About a month ago or so, Amy and I release a little (literally, it’s about 5k) HTML5 iPad App for looking up time zones. I don’t mean select-box wasteland like all other time zone sites (who likes select boxes anyway?!) , I mean a nicely polished, touch-enabled UI that works offline, too. The site uses no images (‘cept for the ad), no JavaScript framworks, and no external CSS, and fits quite comfortably in a few k’s of gzipped HTML. First visit the site on your iPad (desktop browsers work, too!) , and play around with it a bit. Our first attempt ran really great on the Apple-supplied SDK iPad Simulator.

And here’s what we did: 1. At first, we used a quite complex -webkit-gradient for the gradients in the “day bars” for the various cities. We replaced those bars with a big canvas element that sits in the background, and we redraw only those portions of the screen that undergoes changes (the different highlighting when you drag around the green bar). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. iPad web development tips. Posted at April 6, 2010 09:00 am by Nicholas C.

Zakas Tags: iPad, JavaScript, Safari By now you, or someone you know, has an iPad. Of course, Apple has been preparing people on how to design their web sites for optimal use with the iPad (see Preparing your Web Content for iPad). Of course, the biggest thing is the lack of Flash support on the iPad. Apple is instead pushing people to use “HTML5.” I put that in quotation marks because most of the contexts in which I’ve seen this have been confusing. Semantics aside, there’s a lot of information about how your site can be made to best work with the iPad, and I’d like to add a few nuggets to that body of knowledge. User-agent string The previously-linked post describes the iPad Safari user-agent to be in the following format: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B334b Safari/531.21.10 This was the user-agent string during the beta testing phase.

The iPad Web Design. A few months ago, we published a set of resources for iPhone developers, covering a huge range of different types of resource. From podcasts and conferences to design kits and frameworks. Today we’re doing something similar, but specifically with designing websites for the iPad in mind. It won’t be quite as extensive (let’s face it, the iPad is still fairly new!) , but should offer a brilliant set of resources for developing a browser-based site or application for Apple’s latest gadget.

Getting Started The main focus of this article relates to designing websites for the iPad. The entry barrier to this type of development is virtually non-existant. That said, if you’re wanting to develop a native application, there’s a considerably more complex process. You can either register for free if you’d like just the basic access to Apple’s SDK, or pay $99 per year to have the ability to test applications on your iPad itself, and submit them to the App Store. Apple’s Resources Developing and Coding.