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Making an iPad HTML5 App

Making an iPad HTML5 App
June 4th, 2010 About a month ago or so, Amy and I release a little (literally, it’s about 5k) HTML5 iPad App for looking up time zones. I don’t mean select-box wasteland like all other time zone sites (who likes select boxes anyway?!), I mean a nicely polished, touch-enabled UI that works offline, too. The site uses no images (‘cept for the ad), no JavaScript framworks, and no external CSS, and fits quite comfortably in a few k’s of gzipped HTML. First visit the site on your iPad (desktop browsers work, too!) Our first attempt ran really great on the Apple-supplied SDK iPad Simulator. And here’s what we did: 1. At first, we used a quite complex -webkit-gradient for the gradients in the “day bars” for the various cities. We replaced those bars with a big canvas element that sits in the background, and we redraw only those portions of the screen that undergoes changes (the different highlighting when you drag around the green bar). 2. Also a major source of slowdown. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Designing Web Apps for the iPad What’s stopping you from creating a functional app/website for the iPad? My answer was the Objective-C coding language, time constraints and having to deal with the infamous Apple App Store. But if you’re a web designer, like me, and you think that designing for the iPad is outside the realm of possibility — think again. Love it or hate it, the iPad is an incredible medium.

The Big List of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML Development Tools, Libraries, Projects, and Books I’ve been meaning to do a roll-up of top JavaScript, CSS & HTML development tools that I use or have been recommended to me and after having lunch with my bud Brian Wilpon today, I realized I just needed to do it. He asked me what some of the newer tools are and I think this is the best way to help him (and the community in general). It’s definitely not an all-inclusive list so if you see some that you feel I should add or remove, let me know in the comments. Here they are by category: Sites and Lists to Learn FromDebugging Tools That Make Life MUCH EasierCSS EditorsCSS FrameworksCSS ResetsJavaScript LibrariesJavaScript MinifiersJavaScript ShellsColor ManagementEditors and IDEsWireframingBrowser TestingTestingDocumentationServer-Side JavaScriptBooks – JavaScript/DOMBooks – JavaScript LibrariesBooks – HTML & CSSBooks – PerformancePodcasts & VideosConferencesBlogs Sites and Lists to Learn From:

iPad web development tips Posted at April 6, 2010 09:00 am by Nicholas C. Zakas Tags: iPad, JavaScript, Safari By now you, or someone you know, has an iPad. Of course, Apple has been preparing people on how to design their web sites for optimal use with the iPad (see Preparing your Web Content for iPad). 11 UI Kits for iPhone and iPad Development Last week we posted a collection of printable wireframing templates which included some for iPhone and iPad app design. These are great for communicating early mockups and ideas, but when it’s time for those ideas to make the jump from paper to the computer screen, it’s helpful to have a library of UI elements at your disposal. Since we love saving you time, we’ve found some for you. Here are 11 UI Kits for iPhone and iPad Development.

The iPad Web Design A few months ago, we published a set of resources for iPhone developers, covering a huge range of different types of resource. From podcasts and conferences to design kits and frameworks. Today we’re doing something similar, but specifically with designing websites for the iPad in mind. It won’t be quite as extensive (let’s face it, the iPad is still fairly new!), but should offer a brilliant set of resources for developing a browser-based site or application for Apple’s latest gadget. A re-introduction to JavaScript - MDC Docs Why a re-introduction? Because JavaScript is notorious for being the world's most misunderstood programming language. It is often derided as being a toy, but beneath its layer of deceptive simplicity, powerful language features await.

iPhone and iPad Development GUI Kits, Stencils and Icons Apple don’t have any comprehensive pre-built GUI resources for app development, making it very hard to match the uniformed style of the iPhone or the iPad. You will need to create your own. To help streamline your iPhone app design and development, we have put together a fairly comprehensive collection of iPhone & iPad GUI kits that will allow you to focus on developing rather than having to design everything from scratch. Within this post you will find complete GUI kits and stencils, iPhone GUI elements and PSDs and finally a collection of the best icon-sets perfectly suited for the iPhone. (Some of the preview images are intentionally to large to show the as much of each GUI as possible).

Top 20 Must-Have Educational iPhone & iPad Apps Used By Real Teachers in the Classroom - iPhone app article - Shara Karasic With the advent of the 2011/2012 school year, teachers who have access to mobile technology are scrambling to find the best education apps for the iPod Touch, iPad and iPhone. Educators use apps for everything from communicating with students to inspiring creativity to dissecting virtual frogs. Luckily, we have lots of educators (including Apple Distinguished Educators) on Appolicious who share their lists of the best education apps for elementary, middle school, junior high, and high school. These are the education apps most listed by educators on Appolicious. 1. 3D Brain (iPad, iPhone.
