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How To Clean Your House in 20 Minutes a Day for 30 Days. When I first learned to clean my own place, I thought Saturday had to be an all day clean-a-thon. I didn't really have a concept of how to balance the work load during the week so weekends could be reserved for larger projects or even you know…fun! Now I clean in 20 minutes a day — every day — and things just seem to take care of themselves.

Here's a glimpse at the schedule I use! No one said you had to do everything at once and even when time seems short, if you can manage one task a day, things should start to work themselves out. Adjust this list as your family's needs require (those with more or less children might require doing certain activities more or less). If it's easier, take a blank calendar and fill it in accordingly so easier tasks are on days where your day is go, go, go and reserve the more difficult ones for days when things are a little lighter. Here are 5 tips to help make these 30 days a success: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 50 Free Photoshop Brush Sets Everyone Should Have. The House Of Smiths Designs — Mixer Decals. Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes Recipe.

As I mentioned on Friday, I have been doing some experimentation with the beer and chocolate combination. The Guinness-chocolate ice cream that I made totally kicked butt, so I couldn’t wait to see how I liked beer and chocolate in my cake. The answer? I like it, a whole heck of a lot. This was my first time doing Guinness-chocolate cakes, and I was totally optimistic that I would love it, and I was definitely right.

These cupcakes consist of a Guinness-chocolate cake base, which has a wonderful depth of flavor and is also supremely moist. While you can’t really taste the beer in the cupcakes (it serves as more of a flavor enhancer for the chocolate), you can definitely taste the alcohol in the filling and the frosting. I think I need to start converting more drinks into baked goods, this was too much fun (and way delicious!). Two year ago: Sour Cream Coffee CakeThree years ago: Pot Roast in the Crock Pot. Nature/Flowers. World's Biggest PAC-MAN. JS GameBoy Color Game Center.

Bamboo and cotton bandana bib. Bamboo and cotton bandana bib. I Don't Know What You're Talking About! Mymimi. Muppets Cupcakes - Steven Humour. Guide to Common Home Laundering & Drycleaning Symbols.