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Un wiki pour mieux comprendre et découvrir les cryptomonnaies , le trading et les projets de digitalisation de la monnaie .

Precieux. New Evidence Suggests Satoshi Nakamoto Is Paul Solotshi, The Creator of Encryption Software E4M and TrueCrypt. Paul Solotshi Calder Le Roux, a 46-year old criminal mastermind, is the creator of encryption software E4M and TrueCrypt (the cryptography encryption software Satoshi Nakamoto likely used to lock up his 1 million BTC), and author of an uncannily similar manifesto to the one in Bitcoin’s whitepaper in 1998.

New Evidence Suggests Satoshi Nakamoto Is Paul Solotshi, The Creator of Encryption Software E4M and TrueCrypt

Blockchain infographic. Transformation des paiements transfrontaliers ET BLOCKCHAIN. Les blockchains au service du monde bancaire. Check. Blockchain Consulting and Implementation. Blockchain technology is evolving at a tremendous rate and is set to disrupt many industries.

Blockchain Consulting and Implementation

As blockchain becomes more prolific, it’s disruptive capacity in not only existing markets, but also new markets—byproducts of blockchain innovation—is enabling new entrants to provide new offerings, while also enabling well-established companies to cut costs, improve efficiency, improve security, and move to new growth opportunities. Coinbase Launches Crypto Visa Debit Card for UK and EU Customers. Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has launched a Visa debit card allowing customers in the U.K. and EU to spend their cryptocurrencies directly from their Coinbase accounts.

Coinbase Launches Crypto Visa Debit Card for UK and EU Customers

The San Francisco-based firm announced the news in a blog post on Wednesday, saying that with the “Coinbase Card,” customers will be able to spend their bitcoin (BTC), ether (ETH), litecoin (LTC) and other cryptocurrencies “as effortlessly as the money in their bank.” The exchange said it will “instantly” convert cryptocurrency to fiat currency, such as the British pound (GBP), when customers complete a transaction using the debit card.

The card supports all crypto assets available to buy and sell on the Coinbase platform, and customers can use them to pay for everyday purchases, such as a meal or booking tickets, according to the announcement. With previously available products of this type, customers had to pre-load a specified amount of cryptocurrency onto the card in order to spend, Coinbase said. Smart cities infographic. REVOLUTION DE LA 5G. Independent Crypto, Tech & Gaming News. TENDANCE HAUSSIERE. Stock Market Mentor. I’ll get immediate access to the entire Stock Market and Option Market Mentor Membership sites, all in our location, where you'll learn about both Stocks and Options trading, including all past and future videos, training materials, the exclusive Trading Forum and much more, absolutely free for 30 days. $176.00, $0.00 — 100% FREE!

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DeMark Indicators. Market cycles. Bitcoin longterm chart for BNC:BLX by FlaviusTodorius67. I thought it was time to make a longterm chart, with all these wrong charts going around, hehe.

Bitcoin longterm chart for BNC:BLX by FlaviusTodorius67

They are wrong because bitcoins support and resistance lines are NOT linear in the logarithmic chart. I think that the correct fit is a square root function in the logarithmic chart, meaning that the growth is slowing down on long timescales. BTC cannot just continue to grow exponentially. This would lead to insane prices of many millions in 2025. I am a bitcoin longterm bull, but one has to remain realistic. The cause of these growth cycles are the halvings, which lead to a supply shock with a subsequent rally. The very longterm goal of BTC , in 2030+, is at around 1 million USD imho. La théorie du chaos dans le trading - Magazine de trading du C.I.T. Pour rappeler ce qu’est exactement le trading, c’est une bataille de longue haleine entre des acheteurs et des vendeurs : chacun d’entre ces traders vont avoir un impact plus ou moins important sur les prix et ces prix d’ailleurs, reflètent l’état psychologique général des investisseurs à un instant T.

La théorie du chaos dans le trading - Magazine de trading du C.I.T

A partir du moment où cette bataille a un impact direct sur les prix, on peut affirmer que le trading garde toujours une toute petite place au hasard, et ce hasard est en réalité régi par des règles : c’est la théorie du chaos. I] Théorie du chaos dans le trading A) Explication de la théorie La théorie du chaos étudie le comportement des systèmes dynamiques qui sont très sensibles aux conditions initiales, qui sont un phénomène généralement illustré par l’effet papillon. Vous vous rappelez sûrement d’un film portant le même nom ? Market structure. Trading Time Frames par 4C TRADER. A growing assortment of knowledge related to the history of Bitcoin. The Application Of Risk – An Altcoin Trader's Blog. Risk is an elusive concept to cover, and certainly a much misunderstood one.

The Application Of Risk – An Altcoin Trader's Blog

It is defined in different ways for different purposes but it is critical to fully understand what constitutes risk in order to find sustained success in any speculative venture. Depending on the context, risk can mean the expectation of volatility and illiquidity: This market is one of great risk. It can also be an albeit abstract measurement of the likelihood of success or failure: I believe this is a low-risk proposition. Lastly, risk can be a calculation related to exposure and downside versus upside potential: I have £5,000 at risk here, though my returns could be as great as £15,000.

Blockchain Use Cases. Articles liés The concept of blockchain has energized the financial services industry globally.

Blockchain Use Cases

The interest of financial institutions on blockchain is quite evident considering that Santander Bank has identified 20 to 25 use cases for the technology. The bank also estimated that the usage of blockchain by banks can reduce the infrastructure cost by up to $20 billion a year. Capializations mars 2019 binance research. Fudamental research. Classement. Smart cities infographic. Butterfly (finance) Candlestick Cheat Sheet web 01 Copie Copie. Japanese candlesticks. FIGURES. Patterns. Principal candlesticks patterns. Patterns essentielles. SCHEMA WYCKOFF DISTRIBUTION. ICHIMOKU CLOUD. Figures de base. dKrypto. Indicateurs de Bill Williams.