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Creating New Themes

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How to use a different layout for a certain page? How To Modify WordPress Themes The Smart Way. Want to know the secret of having a custom WordPress Theme just like the coding and design experts—without having to create your own custom WordPress Theme? Are you a WordPress site developer wanting to significantly cut your development time by using your own WordPress Theme Framework? Or do you just plain wish editing WordPress Themes was smarter and easier? Then read on. These easy to follow tutorials will teach you how to modify WordPress Themes the smart way—by unlocking the power of WordPress Child Themes. WordPress Child Theme Basics In this post you’ll learn all the basics of WordPress Child Themes: WordPress Child Theme file structure, how to make any WordPress Theme a blank framework, how to import Parent Theme CSS styles, how to override Parent Theme styles, and how to override Parent Theme Template files. You’ll also learn that all of this is incredibly easy and within your grasp and that it might just change how you think about WordPress and Theme development.

WPLover | WordPress Theme Design and Development.


How To Protect Your WordPress Theme Against Upgrades. Problem: You’ve finally found a theme you like but you want to modify it. The modifications are pretty simple but what happens when you want to upgrade the theme? Do you really want to go through all those files again hunting down the changes? Don’t you wish you could just upgrade and be done with it? I’ve been there. I’ve done everything the wrong way at least twice. Learn from my mistakes. Here’s the right way to modify your theme and protect it against any future upgrades. Create a Child Theme for Simple Modifications Did you know you can make CSS-only themes for WordPress? In wp-content/themes make a new folder called “sample”. The most important thing in this stylesheet is Template: thematic.

Next we’re going to import the stylesheet of our Parent Theme. The ../ is the most important thing here. You can now edit the CSS of your favorite theme without touching the original file. WordPress Child Themes are THE best way to make custom CSS changes to your themes. Bonus for Thematic Users. Theme Filters. Oh, yuck. This is the old, busted guide. Make sure you check out the new Thematic Guide. Default Thematic CSS Styles The following typographic classes are styled by default and can be used in your post content. <blockquote class="left">Floats a pull-quote to the left of your content.

<blockquote class="right">Floats a pull-quote to the right of your content. Adding a Home Link A “Home” link can be added to your menu by filtering the default menu arguments. Thematic Theme Hooks and Actions The following theme hooks can be used to modify Thematic through your Child Theme functions.php file or even a custom plugin. thematic_before()Located in header.php just after the opening body tag, before anything else. thematic_aboveheader()Located in header.php just before the header div. thematic_header()This hook builds the content of the header div and loads the following actions: thematic_brandingopen(), thematic_blogtitle(), thematic_blogdescription(), thematic_brandingclose(), thematic_access().

How To Create a WordPress Theme: The Ultimate WordPress Theme Tutorial. Update: We’ve created a second edition of this popular tutorial! It contains updated code samples, coverage of the latest theme development techniques, and more. Check it out at The ThemeShaper WordPress Theme Tutorial: 2nd Edition.

In only 11 individual lessons this WordPress Theme Tutorial is going to show you how to build a powerful, up-to-date, WordPress Theme from scratch. As we go along I’ll explain what’s happening including (for better or worse) my thinking on certain techniques and why I’m choosing one path over another. Skip to the Table of Contents. Here’s the list of features your finished theme will be able to boast of: I think that’s kind of impressive—for any WordPress Theme. At the end of this tutorial, with code in hand, you’ll be able to do almost anything you want. I’ve already used it to start another project of my own, The Shape Theme. WordPress Theme Tutorial Table of Contents Like this: Like Loading...