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Madeleine's Madteater. With a name inspired by the Marcel Proust novel In Search of Lost Time, the ambitions have always been high at Madeleine’s Madteater (Madeleine’s Food Theater).

Madeleine's Madteater

Situated slightly off the main drag in an old beer depot on Islands Brygge, Madeleine’s Madteater is a free form and experimental food theater, serving up various performances all with food as the center of attention. Run by chef Mette Sia Martinussen and set designer Nikolaj Danielsen, together they often collaborate with other chefs, social scientists and people with expertise in music, art, brain research, taste and performance art. It seems eerily appropriate in this context that “mad” is Danish for “food”—summing up the experience at Madeleine’s.


Australia. Lista de 75 novedades gastronómicas del otoño 2014. El abecedario gastronómico del otoño 2014: 75 novedades Gastroeconomy recopila 75 pistas para esta temporada, que suman inauguraciones, reformas, mudanzas y proyectos, ordenados de la A a la Z.

Lista de 75 novedades gastronómicas del otoño 2014

Con este listado de 75 novedades del otoño 2014, estructurado en forma de abecedario gastronómico, ampliamos la lista publicada hace dos semanas con 55 pistas. Aquí encontrarás el nuevo listado completo con 75 pistas (para los lectores que ya habían leído la lista de 55 pistas, hemos señalado con la etiqueta “Nueva Pista” las novedades frente al listado anterior): Latin America's 50 Best Restaurants - The Winners List. Bizarre Restaurants and Bars.

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