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Taller Maya. Designer Jorge Luis Paquentins Nunkini Mats Combine Millennia-Old Technique with Contemporary Design Year after year, the Fundacin Haciendas del Mundo Maya, A.C., hosts Universidad Iberoamericana students over the summer as part of their government-mandated social service duties.

Taller Maya

That was how we met industrial designer Jorge Luis Paquentin. He participated in the Nunkini Palm Mat Workshop, where differently-hued palm fronds are braided using a venerable and ancient technique to create floor coverings that portray Maya symbols and designs that have varied little since pre-Columbian days. The goal of the project is to produce contemporary designs that will increase sales and bring greater quality of life to the Santa Rosa communitys woman artisans. What follows is the Fundacin Haciendas del Mundo Mayas recent interview with Jorge Luis. FHMM: How did you find out about the Taller Maya project? FHMM:: What drew you to Nunkini mat technique?

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México, el país de los 64 chiles. Mesoamérica es el centro y el desarrollo del chile, por ello no es de extrañarse que México cuente con la mayor biodiversidad de este producto a nivel mundial.

México, el país de los 64 chiles

En 2013, el Sistema Nacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (SINAREFI) lanzó la segunda edición del mapa Diversidad de chiles en México, el cual contempla 64 variedades distintas distribuidas a lo largo del país -aunque se estima que son más de 200 las variedades criollas-. Tan sólo en Oaxaca se encontraron más de 25 tipos distintos. Da click en la imagen para agrandarla y ver la variedad de chiles. // Imagen: SINAREFI.

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Mini Mexico City Guide - Mexico City Streets

While there are definitely quiet colonial neighborhoods (Coyoacán) and lazy river tours (Xochimilco), high society shopping (Presidente Masaryk) and museums galore, what you must realize about Mexico City is that what makes it great is its chaos, cluster and motion. Don’t let it overwhelm you … just channel your inner zen and become driftwood in the stream. MEJDI Tours. MEJDI goes beyond traditional tours by providing unrivaled customization, exclusive access, and cultural immersion unavailable anywhere else.


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Archaeoadventures: Women-Powered Travel

She is an internationally published travel photographer, lecturer and Middle East and North Africa tourism specialist. For over a decade, Genevieve has lived and worked throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Her love affair with the Middle East began when she was a small child, hearing her parents’ tales of exploring Egypt in the early 1980s. Watching her dad pull out small slides (this was long before the age of the dslr), insert them into a projector and the wall of the family home would come alive with images of the Sphinx, markets with jalabyya wearing men pedaling their wares, and reliefs from the tomb of Tutankhamun. Working in the Middle East and North Africa as a photographer, Genevieve was inspired by the many talented and knowledgeable female expert tour guides who were very passionate about sharing their country with travelers.

The Culture Trip - Mexico - Art, Food, Culture and Travel Guide. Mexico is a vast, and very diverse country in every respect.

The Culture Trip - Mexico - Art, Food, Culture and Travel Guide

It has a population of 110 million and counting, a long rich history and a young population to make it the next ‘it’ epicenter for a creative and industrial boom. Home to the Latin intellectual elite, parent of many of the main media and publishing houses for the southern hemisphere, the range of wealth is vast and exhilaratingly abundant. A nation with increasing pride, Mexicans are now projecting themselves out instead of absorbing foreign influences in. Inlak'ech - tú eres yo y yo soy tú. Sisters and the CitySisters and the City.

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Über Uns - Hintergrund & Mission von foodsharing

Wir sind froh, dass Du den Weg zu uns gefunden hast und Du Dich gemeinsam mit tausenden anderen engagierten Menschen für das Ende der Lebensmittelverschwendung einsetzt. foodsharing ist eine Initiative, um Foodsaver und BotschafterInnen zu organisieren, Lebensmittel von Lebensmittelbetrieben aller Art zu retten, die Internationalisierung von foodsharing voranzubringen, Veranstaltungen zum Thema zu organisieren uvm. Seit Mai 2013 haben sich bereits über 10.000 ehrenamtliche Menschen, die etwas gegen die Lebensmittelverschwendung unternehmen wollen, angemeldet und tausende Freiwillige von ihnen retten schon aktiv in über. 1.000 Betrieben.

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Residencia - ¿Cómo se adquiere la nacionalidad española? - Ministerio de Justicia

Existen casos en los que el período de residencia exigido se reduce; estos son: Cinco años: para la concesión de la nacionalidad española a aquellas personas que hayan obtenido la condición de refugiado.

Tour de México

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