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100 sites de Consommation Collaborative. Hi all The accorderies boost barter and mutual assistance If the crisis brings a lot of gloom since 2008 She was able to influence our patterns of consumption in a very positive way. Indeed, the consumer has been able to adapt to a new context: he had to be smarter and also realized that the union makes the force! Collaborative consumption and mutual assistance have changed the deal. If goods are exchanged very easily, Thanks to Internet, it today is the turn of services. The exchange of services to create social ties «Exchange small plumbing work against piano lesson. '' There is still little, this kind of ads would have seemed crazy. And it is rather logical: everybody has a talent or a special skill.So why keep this for oneself while one can share his knowledge and benefit in return for the others? The Accorderie is a solidarity concept which aims to combat poverty and exclusion and promote social mix. Any type of services can be made, and all have the same value.

Recommended reading. Anonymat. L'anonymat est l'une des préoccupations essentielles ayant motivé ce wiki et un élément de plus en plus indispensable à la protection de la vie privée (en même temps que le chiffrement et la stéganographie, ainsi que le contournement de la censure et la défense des libertés). Cette page fait référence aussi bien à l'anonymat sur internet qu'à l'anonymat dans la vie réelle. En effet, les deux sont, au moins dans les sociétés occidentales, de plus en plus liés. L'informatique, le numérique, et internet sont de plus de plus présents dans nos vies réelles.

La puce de votre carte bancaire, les caméras de surveillances, la biométrie, votre téléphone portable, votre gps, votre pass rfid pour prendre les transports en commun, votre frigo connecté au net, votre courrier (géré par informatique dans les centres postaux) etc... Toute notre vie est entourée de code informatique. L'anonymat sur internet et l'anonymat dans la vie réelle sont voués à être intimement liés. L'anonymat: Utopie impossible? 10 Online Resources Every Non-Profit Should Be Using. Non-profits and charitable causes have been quick to take hold of the benefits that social media has to offer. In order for an awareness- or fund-raising campaign to be successful online, organizations must set clear, measurable goals.

Not all of these resources will be useful to all non-profits, but if your goals include raising funds, finding support and recruiting volunteers, this is an invaluable cheat-sheet for the best resources online. These ten online resources every non-profit should know will help recruit volunteers, build relationships, and raise money for social and environmental good so you can achieve your charitable goals.

Care2 Care2 is the largest social network for social and environmental causes on the web, boasting over 14,000,000 members. Causes Allowing individuals to start their own causes and raise money through Facebook and other social networks, Causes is one of the most visible tools that a non-profit can harness online. ChipIn Convio CrowdRise JustGive. La solution pour toutes vos collectes d'argent - La solution pour toutes vos collectes d'argent. Build Awareness, Fundraise, and Advocate for Change.

AGORA-PROJECT - espace numérique de travail. ReWorld. | self-sufficiency network - connecting communities and people | Zen3. (Re)trouver confiance dans l'Internet - - zen3. Comunes collective. Kune: a web tool to encourage collaboration, content sharing and free culture. Mappa di MondoNuovo. Red Iberica de Ecoaldeas |

Bionieri - ai confini tra selvatico e coltivato. WLfriends - wikileaks. Bienvenue chez entrePOTE, une entreprise du 3ème type pour le 3ème millénaire. Réseau REPAS - Réseau d'Échanges et de Pratiques Alternatives et Solidaires. Colibris - Mouvement pour la Terre et l'Humanisme.