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- Bamboo Arts and Crafts Gallery. 52 Weeks Project. GALERIE-CREATION : Tableau d'art et peinture, Créations originales, Galerie d'art. Artisanat.des.bois. What I Made. Making Paper Bricks in India. At MAKE we have covered a type of paper brick before, but it was used simply as a fire starter. Professors Rahul Ralegaonkar and Sachin Mandavgane of the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology in India (VNIT) have come up with a process to make paper bricks designed for creation instead of destruction.

It started when they visited a paper recycling plant in 2009. They learned that 15% of the material that went through the plant was piled up into an unsightly sludge and sent to a landfill. For those not familiar, this is a prime example of one of the perils in recycling as opposed to upcycling. Recycling results in materials being turned into products of a lower quality than their predecessors, while upcycling preserves the quality of the product through many generations. Raleganokar and Mandavgane decided to take some of that sludge back to their lab and play around with it along with students over the summer. Related. Massimo Banzi: How Arduino is open-sourcing imagination. Untitled. Editors Note: Guest Post by Betsy & Warren Talbot Let’s face it: We all have too much stuff.

Whether it is the things you no longer need, the items you never got around to using, or the “treasures” thrust on you by well-meaning people, you are probably shrinking your living space with all that clutter. It’s more than simply buying nothing new. It’s being critical of everything you already own. Does it fit your life or not? There are 3 steps you can take to finally let go of those items no longer working in your life. Better yet, you can sell the things that are still in good condition to finance a part of your life that has been neglected.

But before you start planning your next big holiday, let’s focus on 3 powerful strategies to let go of your possessions. Instead of Keeping Up with the Joneses, Keep Up with Your Dream: This is the classic mistake many people make. Remove Mental Clutter Before Physical Clutter: Are you holding on to outdated ideas about your life? Decluttered = Free.

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Natural Art Installations. Jenni Tieaho, Jaakko Pernu et Patrick Dougherty sont 3 artistes qui aiment jouer avec la nature pour nous proposer des œuvres magnifiques. Avec des manipulations des formes et des matières, chacun nous propose de belles compositions et images à découvrir dans la suite de l’article. Reused trampoline into swinging bed. The City Foundry. Video: Japanese Dentist Invents Self-Stirring Whirlpool Pot. For some people, making soup is the height of tedium. Now, a Japanese dentist has created the easy chair of kitchen equipment: a specially sculpted pot that stirs itself. Hideki Watanabe came up with the Kuru-Kuru Nabe (Round and Round Pot) while experimenting with dental plaster at his office. The water in the pot rises as it gets hotter, and spirals etched into the sides redirect it into a circle. It's also efficient, hitting the boiling point faster than conventional cookware; it's less likely to boil over; and it keeps pasta from sticking to the bottom.

Watanabe is hunting for investors now, possibly looking to leave dental work behind. The only foreseeable problem is with the demographic: People especially interested in a pot they don't have to stir might not be the most helpful when it comes to getting up and donating to a young project. [via Gizmodo] Sand pendulum with acrylic glas bowl. IQlight® by Holger Strøm 1973. Contenedor. Contenedor es un espacio sin mucha pretensión. Reúne cosas que estoy haciendo a partir de objetos que ya no se usan. Es un pasatiempo de lo más barato, ocupa las manos y relaja la mente. Para cualquier consulta: Monedero: Hecho con una cámara de aire de bicicleta pinchada. El caucho es un material estupendo. Bolsillo mural: Bolsillos que vacían los bolsillos hechos con bolsillos de viejas camisetas y pantalones. Jarrón colgante: Bombilla en vía de extinción. Cuencos: Tiras de papel de revista pegadas con cola de arroz (más explicación aquí). Cajita: Una nuez vaciada y montada con hilos.

Bote cremallerado: Contenedores reconvertidos en contenedores. Catégorie:Savoir-faire.