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Levels of Consciousness

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The most important key to succeeding in life is how you relate to other people and how they relate to you. Astrology free astrology chart astrology reading & compatibility report at Relating potential (about all your relationships) Every one of us has wondered if their relationships could be better. All could be made a lot more rewarding if you could "communicate" a little better- and what is revealed to you in a personal Relating Potential report could help – and in a lot less time. If all of your relationships work perfectly today, and you are attracting the kind of people you want in your life, you don't need this report - unless of course you're buying it for someone else. The most important key to succeeding in life is how you relate to other people and how they relate to you.

Astrology free astrology chart astrology reading & compatibility report at Soul Mates and Twin Souls. There is much confusion about soul mates and twin souls. Very often these two terms have been used synonymously. They are not synonymous. One can and do have many soul mates but one has only one twin soul. In order to understand how these terms come about one must begin from the beginning.

Aeons ago, many dispatches of souls or sparks of divinity were discharged from the Source or Godhead. These were destined to be human souls. Take an average group of a hundred and twenty eight souls in the one discharge from the Source. In the next stage the total soul group of one hundred and twenty eight souls would have to change planet. The Neanderthal is the transitional stage between the H. habilis and H. sapiens. The Breakdown of the Group and Its Return Taking the example of a group of 128 souls as above, the breakdown goes like this. So one can see that from the beginning as primitive man one is able to feel the presence of a fellow soul mate.

Soul Mates How do we recognize our soul mates? Personal Development for Smart People - Steve Pavlina. Oneness. Why should we bother to care about other people? Is it okay to live just for ourselves? Is it good enough to do no harm? Is there any reason we should go out of our way to help other people? I used to not care about people. I mean really not care. I know what it’s like to live with that mindset.

I lived that way for years. In my late teens, I’d go out and shoplift on an almost daily basis. This apathetic mindset flowed through other parts of my life as well. I also combined alcohol and stealing… just for fun of course. Friends would try to talk to me about what I was doing, but they couldn’t get through to me. I truly did not care. It wasn’t till I finally crashed and ended up being arrested enough times and facing prison that I finally started to care. Let’s explore all three of these mindsets, so you can deepen your understanding of different ways of relating to the larger body of humanity: self-centeredness, neutrality, and oneness. Self-centeredness This is exactly what happens. Oneness. Lightworker Syndrome. One obstacle that traps a lot of highly conscious people is what Erin and I call Lightworker Syndrome. This is what happens when someone wakes up to a higher level of consciousness, but they can’t figure out how to live on purpose and feed themselves at the same time.

Such people have a lot of trouble staying connected to higher levels of consciousness while also remaining solidly grounded in the physical world. Many of them get so frustrated with the experience they become depressed and have feelings of wanting to give up and just “go home” (i.e. return to the nonphysical world). Spiritual connectedness vs. physical groundedness These troubled lightworkers often feel they must compromise: either stay connected up top and be totally ungrounded, or lose that higher connection and become more grounded.

Consequently, these lightworkers either do empty work they don’t enjoy but which pays OK, or they do purpose-centered work that hardly pays anything. Fearing your own power Well, guess what. What Is A Lightworker? Rise of the Lightworker. Consider for a moment that you’re an individual cell in the larger body of humanity. What kind of cell are you? Do you strive to achieve your individual health and comfort? Do you work for the betterment of your nearby family cells? Do you have a sense of devotion to the improvement of the entire body? I’m going to use the cell-in-a-body analogy to clarify the difference between two different kinds of people: lightworkers and darkworkers.

Both lightworkers and darkworkers are highly conscious. Lightworkers A lightworker is a cell that believes its primary role is to serve the greater good of the body. In order to be effective in its role, a lightworker cell must pay attention to its own health and survival to the degree that its continued existence benefits the body. Your own physical body works via a similar mechanism. The lightworker’s duty is to serve the health of the body. One goal of many lightworkers is to stimulate the creation of more lightworker cells. Darkworkers. Darkworkers, Lightworkers, and Levels of Consciousness. How can a darkworker experience higher levels of consciousness like unconditional love and peace? The original descriptions of the levels of consciousness are lightworker-biased. For a darkworker the level of unconditional love is directed inwardly as love of self. It’s like a highly concentrated form of arrogance. It may not be expressed outwardly in the form of a smug attitude, but inwardly the person comes to embrace the idea that s/he is the most important person on earth and should act accordingly.

While some might label the darkworker path as evil path, I dislike using words like good or evil to describe these paths. Ultimately these two paths lead to the same place. Think of it like this. At lower levels of consciousness, these two paths seem distinct because the individual cell doesn’t yet have the understanding to know what’s truly best for itself or for the whole body. We individual humans, however, aren’t super intelligent.

Polarization. This article continues our exploration of Polarity. If you haven’t yet digested the first article, you’ll probably want to do so before reading this one, since now we’re going to extend those concepts even further. A quick review Every thought has two components: content and energy. Content is the data portion of a thought, and energy is the carrier that gives a thought the power to manifest. Think of each thought as being like a radio wave. Our bodies behave like energetic receiver-transmitters, translating the energy that flows through us into emotional states. Thought energy has a polarity. The thoughts with the greatest power to manifest are those which are highly polarized, meaning that your attention is primarily focused on inflow or outflow but not both. The manifestation of a highly polarized thought can occur through motivated action or passive synchronicity or (usually) a combination of both.

What goes around comes around As you might suspect, the flow of energy never stops. Polarity. In my last article on The #1 Mistake People Make When Using the Law of Attraction, I stated that every intention has a content component plus an energy component, and both are equally important when it comes to applying the Law of Attraction. At the end of that article, I asserted that the energy component of every intention has a polarity.

Now we’re going to explore polarity, which is the key to understanding intentional energy. Do your best to keep an open mind as you read this article. The concepts are what’s important here, so try not to get hung up on the particular words I use to describe them. What is polarity? In order to define polarity, we need to build a bit of conceptual scaffolding first, so let’s dive in and explore the nature of thought. As a conscious being, you have the ability to create thoughts. Every thought consists of two primary components: (1) content and (2) energy. Thought content The content of a thought is the raw information it contains. Thought energy Polarity. Integrating Light and Dark. In previous articles about lightworking and darkworking, I mentioned that both paths ultimately lead to the same place.

In this article I’ll explain what that convergence looks like. Lightworking and darkworking are potent power-building methods. By focusing intently on a unidirectional flow of energy, a strong current can be created, and inner resistance can be overcome. On a practical level, this means that through lightworking or darkworking, you can become a lot stronger than you were in a pre-polarized state. For a lightworker, this flow takes the form of service. The lightworker focuses on an outward flow of energy through giving, giving, and more giving. For a darkworker, this flow takes the form of selfishness. Ultimately these are phases of development, not permanent resting places. Initially, when a non-polarized person focuses on one modality (either lightworking or darkworker), their power can increase dramatically. Power in this case is your ability to create your reality.

For Love of Evil. I’d like to clarify a common question about polarity and love: How does a darkworker experience love? How lightworkers experience love Lightworkers express love outwardly through forms such as giving and service. Love is something that flows out of them and into the world. This definition of love is fairly consistent with the social norm. When you feel love, you want to express it, such as by saying “I love you” or by doing something nice for someone else. As you experience this form of love more unconditionally, it infects your entire being, and you’ll feel the desire to center your life around some form of service. This may begin as a gentle nudge and gradually increase until it feels like a calling of sorts. How darkworkers experience love Darkworkers, on the other hand, would read the last two paragraphs and say, “Blech!

Think of it like this… Lightworker: “Thou art God. Darkworker: “I am God. Your love will flow where your attention goes. For love of evil Thou art God. Are You a Lightworker or a Darkworker? Asking this question is like asking whether you’re a black belt in karate or jujitsu. Most likely you are neither, since most people never make such a commitment in their entire lives. Lightworkers and darkworkers combined probably account for less than 1% of the population. Becoming a lightworker or darkworker isn’t something that just happens to you. It’s a conscious choice, one the vast majority of people never make.

You may have leanings towards one polarity or the other, and you can certainly experiment with both polarities as much as you desire, but becoming a lightworker or darkworker means making a special commitment to mastery of a single polarity. What does it mean to polarize? When you decide to polarize, you’re making a commitment to living a certain type of life. The decision to polarize is a decision you make with every fiber of your being. If you polarize as a lightworker, you are dedicating your life to serving the greater good. Why polarize? Are Darkworkers Evil? As a follow-up to the previous article Rise of the Lightworker, let me clarify about darkworkers being construed as bad or evil. There are two perspectives to consider. First, from a spiritual perspective, darkworking and lightworking are both paths to greater awareness, greater motivation, and greater power.

Darkworkers and lightworkers are similar in many ways, their main difference being how they direct their focus and energy. Darkworkers direct the flow of energy inward, while lightworkers direct it outward. A darkworker consumes; a lightworker creates. However, from a physical, earthbound perspective, darkworkers can indeed have a destructive effect. The Darkworker Mindset Here’s another way of looking at it. To some people eating animals is viewed as a completely immoral act. To other people eating animals is viewed as something completely natural. Most people can probably relate to these different attitudes towards animals, regardless of which side they lean towards. S Adventurers Club::Welcome.

The #1 Mistake People Make When Using the Law of Attraction. Whenever you form an intention, that intention has two primary components. The first component is the content of the intention. The content is the information part of your desire. It’s whatever you decide you want, such as a new career, a better relationship, or an extra $10,000. That part is pretty straightforward. The second component of an intention is the energy you bring to the intention. I’ll explain the energy component in more detail in a moment, but first let’s address… Failure experiences with the Law of Attraction I often hear people complain that they’ve dutifully and correctly applied the Law of Attraction, but their intentions just aren’t manifesting. I’ve previously written an article called Why Do Intentions Take So Long to Manifest? Content alone is not enough Here’s the #1 mistake people make: They mistake content for complete intentions.

Great content + no energy = an intention that won’t manifest anything but frustration. What is the energy component of an intention?