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Vitimins and Natural Remedies

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Tidbits. Herbs at a Glance [NCCAM Health Information] Krill Oil | Ultimate Source of Omega-3 - In Japan, this is real food. Actually, let's take that a giant step further. It's considered a luscious delicacy known as okiami. Okiami has been harvested by the Japanese as a food source since the 19th century – and possibly even earlier. Krill is also a traditional food of South Korea and Taiwan. And the Soviet Union (now Russia and Ukraine) were also large markets for krill. It is processed by freezing, to go to Japanese, Korean, and Taiwanese markets. The only edible part is its tail – known for its rich omega-3 fatty acids. It is used for soups, seafood salads, and restaurant entrees – and also as a seasoning (when used dried).

In Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany and South Korea there's been high interest in krill as a coagulated paste and as mince (a precooked dense pink paste). But specialists from many countries declare that the real delicacy is the intact shell-free tail meat – which as you might guess, is also the most difficult to obtain. Two Simple Ways to Improve Your Health* Vitamin K2 | Natto, Natural Menaquinone Source. It’s been over 10 years, since I began educating and helping people understand the importance of vitamin D... specifically, vitamin D3. Of course, I wasn’t alone in this effort. Many others contributed to helping overcome some of the myths about sunlight and how critical vitamin D3 is to your overall health. And now I believe another nutrient, appropriately labeled the ’forgotten vitamin,’ is about to explode in popularity as researchers are uncovering more of its spectacular health benefits every day.

Why has it been forgotten and somewhat ignored for over 80 years? I’m not sure anyone can really answer why this vitamin’s health-enhancing benefits have been so overlooked. For example, this vitamin... Helps you build strong bones and keep them healthy* Helps support your vascular (arteries and veins) system* Promotes your healthy heart* Helps you fight against premature aging* Enhances your memory function* And this is just a start...

And that’s exactly what I’m planning to do. Why? The Delicate Dance Between Vitamins D and K.