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Ten Personal Finance Bloggers That You Must Follow On Twitter. I love Twitter! There is so much great information out there. As I hope most of you know, I absolutely hate knowing what someone ate for breakfast or who is skipping work to sleep in hoping their boss won’t catch them. And, believe it or not, there are a lot of great bloggers out there who are Tweeting some very interesting ideas, articles, stats, etc. that you won’t see on their blogs.

So, below is a list of my favorite personal finance bloggers who also Tweet. I check what these guys are saying everyday. @BudgetsAreSexy – If you are a regular reader of Own The Dollar, you know that J Money is the one of the best and funniest personal finance bloggers around. @CashMoneyLife – Patrick is a great money blogger that writes about money and saving tips on his blog CashMoneyLife and also about money issue with members of the military on the Military Finance Network. @bargainr – An excellent blog that covers all types of money and finance topics on Bargainneering. . “. 83 Money Moves To Make Before You Are 30 Years Old. Lets face it…there are some things that you need to do now if you want to be rich in the Golden Years of your life. If you want to retire and eat something other than Ramen noodles and live solely off of your Social Security benefits, you need to start planning for your retirement now.

There are things that you need to do with your money, personal finances, and investing in order to set yourself up for success later in life. It is a shame that you have to think about these things right after graduating from college and/or entering the workforce, but you do. The sooner you start making these essential money moves in the early portion of your life, then you will be positioned for success later when you actually have and need money for retirement.

Why eighty-three money moves? There is a few to add I am sure. Which tips did I miss that people need to know before they are 30 years-old? Tagged as: Retirement, Tips.